Amator. Amateur

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Amator. Amateur, Hal Hartley
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100:04:23,833--> 00:04:25,512"And this man will die...200:04:26,743--> 00:04:27,974... he will...300:04:28,672--> 00:04:29,698... eventually...400:04:31,469--> 00:04:33,716... he will die, she repeated...500:04:35,498--> 00:04:38,637... and there is nothing any of us...600:04:39,702--> 00:04:41,667... can do about it.....700:04:44,699--> 00:04:46,546he put the last of the bullets800:04:47,748--> 00:04:49,699into the chamber of the gun900:04:50,813--> 00:04:51,683and...1000:04:53,717--> 00:04:56,148stood in the window1100:04:56,881--> 00:04:58,320to keep an eye on the street1200:05:22,531--> 00:05:24,942he caressed her perfect ass1300:05:28,584--> 00:05:30,776he pulled his back against her1400:05:32,549--> 00:05:34,101and she felt...1500:05:34,756--> 00:05:37,446his coock against her1600:05:40,874--> 00:05:42,660like a piece of meat1700:05:44,832--> 00:05:45,748in his trousers...1800:05:46,339--> 00:05:48,008listen Lady.... you got to sattle down...1900:05:48,789--> 00:05:50,249.... you are imbarassing my friend...2000:05:50,485--> 00:05:52,164Excuse me... can I have another coffee?2100:05:52,571--> 00:05:55,121You can't sit here all day, you know?- I have paid the coffee...2200:05:55,755--> 00:05:58,647You buy one or two coups of coffee andand you sit here the whole day2300:05:59,095--> 00:06:00,687Day after day.You take up space.2400:06:01,080--> 00:06:02,697I bought one of these muffins this morning...2500:06:03,930--> 00:06:05,720You did not?- I did.2600:06:07,265--> 00:06:09,975Which kind?- That kind.2700:06:10,331--> 00:06:11,839Leave her alone. She is harmless.2800:06:12,521--> 00:06:15,124This is not a hotel!- It had mould on it.2900:06:21,099--> 00:06:22,293Can I help you?3000:06:25,569--> 00:06:27,437Come on... what will it be?3100:06:36,128--> 00:06:38,321This is not good... What kind of money is this?3200:06:38,679--> 00:06:40,509What kind of money is this, Frank?- Dutch3300:06:41,280--> 00:06:42,466Are you Dutch?3400:06:42,595--> 00:06:43,419I don't know ...3500:06:43,870--> 00:06:46,593You sound like an American...Where did you get this Dutch money?3600:06:48,020--> 00:06:49,613It was in my pocket.3700:06:49,839--> 00:06:51,734Look, take your Dutch moneyand get out of here...3800:06:52,270--> 00:06:53,648Uh, look...- What?3900:06:54,124--> 00:06:55,736He is bleeding...4000:06:56,695--> 00:06:57,966Bring some water.4100:06:58,861--> 00:07:00,574Does it hurt you?- Yes.4200:07:01,120--> 00:07:03,128Do you know your name?- No...4300:07:03,643--> 00:07:06,236Frank... he doesn't know his name...4400:07:06,685--> 00:07:08,558Are you hungry?- Yes...4500:07:11,816--> 00:07:13,796A sandwich please...- Hey, look Frank...4600:07:14,311--> 00:07:15,835... She has money!4700:07:20,659--> 00:07:23,294Did you have enough to eat?- Yes thank you, do you want some?4800:07:23,658--> 00:07:25,731No- Sure?- Yes4900:07:28,588--> 00:07:29,976Do you smoke?5000:07:31,127--> 00:07:32,090I don't know.5100:07:32,452--> 00:07:35,038I have just take off the hunger...5200:07:35,518--> 00:07:37,105Then, eat some of this?- No, I could not.5300:07:38,205--> 00:07:40,170Why?- Because I am not hungry...5400:07:40,645--> 00:07:42,534You only forget that you are hungrybecause you smoke...5500:07:42,998--> 00:07:44,894Yes, but I had a muffin, too.5600:07:45,368--> 00:07:47,606When?- Before...5700:07:52,739--> 00:07:54,394I was reading your story.Did you like it?5800:07:55,027--> 00:07:57,623It is... sad...- Yes... everything that I write comes out to be sad...5900:07:58,816--> 00:08:00,411Why do you thing that is?6000:08:01,531--> 00:08:03,561I don't this...6100:08:14,818--> 00:08:16,543Don't you have identification?6200:08:17,082--> 00:08:19,611No... I woke up in the streetI don't know how I got there...6300:08:20,155--> 00:08:21,941Pearhaps you walked...6400:08:22,783--> 00:08:23,594Could be...6500:08:24,126--> 00:08:25,960Maybe you tried to commit suicide...6600:08:26,755--> 00:08:27,967You think so?6700:08:31,909--> 00:08:32,976You know how...6800:08:34,177--> 00:08:35,286Excuse me?6900:08:35,747--> 00:08:37,334You know how to smoke.7000:08:37,767--> 00:08:39,757It took me few weeks to learnhow to inhale.7100:08:40,385--> 00:08:41,766Did I inhale?7200:08:42,806--> 00:08:43,882Yes...7300:08:45,836--> 00:08:47,147Eat that...7400:08:55,747--> 00:08:57,633Hard phone sex7500:08:58,198--> 00:08:59,563Keep them if you want...7600:09:02,912--> 00:09:05,161And what are these?- I also write in magazines...7700:09:05,561--> 00:09:07,194Can I take a look?- Sure...7800:09:08,419--> 00:09:10,863I met this man... George...7900:09:11,283--> 00:09:14,162He said that he will pay me to writesome short stories...8000:09:22,133--> 00:09:24,592he reached out for her hand and he grabbed her chin...8100:09:25,568--> 00:09:28,012... forsing his fingers brutaly into her cheeks...8200:09:28,747--> 00:09:31,008.. and he lifted her face toward his...8300:09:31,762--> 00:09:34,236"I never use the samewoman twice", he said.8400:09:34,764--> 00:09:37,537"any more than I smokethe same cigarette twice"8500:09:38,175--> 00:09:41,951You are used up. I got all I need orwant out of you...8600:09:51,010--> 00:09:53,055This happened to you?- No.8700:09:53,766--> 00:09:56,301She never eats anything. Thank you.- That enters something in the body...8800:09:58,962--> 00:10:00,182It is worth... Bye8900:10:12,884--> 00:10:13,983I am sorry.9000:10:14,428--> 00:10:15,870What for?9100:10:18,626--> 00:10:20,127I should go back to the convent9200:10:21,641--> 00:10:23,257You are nun?9300:10:23,586--> 00:10:24,596No...9400:10:28,386--> 00:10:29,598... Nothing at all...9500:10:57,223--> 00:10:59,453I have some antisepticfor your cuts.9600:11:04,265--> 00:11:06,762Can you remember anything at allabout who you are?9700:11:12,932--> 00:11:14,400A few things9800:11:15,824--> 00:11:17,412But I don't know what they mean9900:11:19,976--> 00:11:21,485No... I don't remember...10000:11:22,798--> 00:11:24,345I am confused mostly.10100:11:24,553--> 00:11:26,486Are you frightened?- Frightened?10200:11:26,919--> 00:11:29,197Yes, scared- Of what?10300:11:31,272--> 00:11:32,846I don't know10400:11:40,150--> 00:11:41,999So you don't remember anything10500:11:42,460--> 00:11:46,364no feelings, no caressesno kisses, no... No.10600:11:57,672--> 00:11:59,403I have a date.10700:12:00,140--> 00:12:01,642I should go... thank you...10800:12:02,040--> 00:12:04,897No, don't leave, we can go to the policein the morning. You can stay here tonight.10900:12:06,017--> 00:12:07,245All right.11000:12:09,362--> 00:12:11,108I will sleep in the floor- No.11100:12:11,636--> 00:12:14,228I don't mind.- I don't have spare blankets for you to sleep on the floor.11200:12:14,581--> 00:12:15,878I will use my jacket11300:12:17,598--> 00:12:19,668But, you can sleep in the bed with me.11400:12:21,208--> 00:12:22,856There is not room in the bed for both of us.11500:12:23,183--> 00:12:25,539There is if we sleep close together11600:12:32,191--> 00:12:34,477With who you have date?- I don't know...11700:12:34,869--> 00:12:38,613His name is Warren, I have only spoken tohim on hot line...11800:13:06,696--> 00:13:09,183Hey, come on, get up11900:13:09,861--> 00:13:11,987This is not a hotel, and youhave been in here whole day, .12000:13:12,383--> 00:13:13,550get up and get out.12100:13:13,904--> 00:13:15,489but there is a lot of seats here,where nobody is sitting on.12200:13:15,947--> 00:13:17,828Listen lady, mind your own business.12300:13:41,658--> 00:13:42,943What are you doing?12400:13:45,775--> 00:13:47,353I am... molesting you.12500:13:58,762--> 00:14:00,560Am I supposed to like it?12600:14:03,937--> 00:14:06,127You can bag me to stop.12700:14:09,696--> 00:14:11,695And will you stop?- No.12800:14:15,190--> 00:14:16,543I have to go.12900:15:11,958--> 00:15:14,241Who is playing?- Some band from Seattle.13000:15:14,752--> 00:15:17,479Are they good?- I guess... I don't hear them from here13100:15:21,012--> 00:15:24,423You must have get bored here- I only must work up to 10 o'clock.13200:15:27,512--> 00:15:28,991Your ID please.13300:15:44,584--> 00:15:46,325You want to see the show?13400:15:47,321--> 00:15:49,088I cannot afford 10 dollars.13500:15:50,047--> 00:15:50,986Here...13600:15:51,684--&... [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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