Amateur Shooto Rules

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Amateur Shooto Rules, MMA
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.:Amateur Shooto Rules:.


"Shooto Commission (SC)" is the organization that supervises Shooto

Wrestling. SC proposes an idea of "No-Holds-Barred as Sport."


(1) The time of the match is 3 minutes. The match is 2 rounds. The

interval between each round is 1 minute.


(2) The refereeing is carried out by one chairman, one referee and two



(3) Mouth pieces and a protection cup must always be worn. Knee-pads,

shin-guards, and headgear authorized by SC must also be worn. Feet must

be bare. Pants and tights suitable for fight must be worn. The use of

vaseline, oil, or similar substances on the body, face, or hair is

forbidden. The nails must be cut close.


(4) The competitors are allowed to have three persons in their corner and

only one chief cornerman can enter the ring before the mutch. If

cornerman enter the ring or touch competitors during the fight, his

competitor shall be judged the loser.


(5) There are weight restrictions as followed; flyweight (51.0kg

(112.43lb) or less), bantamweight (54.0kg (119.04lb) or less),

featherweght (58.0kg ( lb) or less), lightweight (63.0kg ( lb) or less),

welterweight (69.0kg ( lb) or less), middleweight (76.0kg ( lb) or less),

light heavyweight (85.0kg ( lb) or less), and heavyweight (85.0kg ( lb)

or more).


(6) The ring shall be of a square type. Mats, instead of the ring, may

be used.


(7) Shooto gloves (open-finger and -palm style) authorized by SC must be

worn. The alterations in the shape of the gloves are forbidden.


(8) Bandage may be used only for the purpose of protection of knuckle

part. The tape used for fixing the bandage must not be worn on the

knuckle part. The use of tape, instead of bandage, on knuckle part must

be three pieces or less. After the bandage or tape is worn, it must be

checked and signed by SC.


(9) The determination of the winner of any match shall be made according

to the following.

a. Knock out (KO): A competitor goes down and does not show his will in

continuing the fight in stand position by the end of a count of five

called by the referee. The opponent must await at neutral corner during

the count down or until the referee gives further direction. If the

opponent does not await, the referee shall stop his count. In such case,

the referee shall start the countdown after the competitor returns to the

neutral corner.


b. Technical knock out (TKO): (i) A competitor goes down three times a

round (three knock down system), (ii) the referee can stop the fight for

a competitor's damage, injury, or loss of his will in continuing the

fight, or (iii) it may be stopped by a competitor's corner by "throwing

in the towel."


c. IPPON or Submission (S): Submission by a competitor shall be

expressed either verbally or by tapping two times or more on the mat or

on the opponent's body with a hand or a foot.


d. Technical IPPON or Technical submission (TS): When the submission is

almost, the referee shall call "Catch" and ask the competitor whether he

will give up or not. If the competitor does not defend against the

sumbission hold, does not respond to the question, or scream in pain, the

referee may judge the submission hold complete, and will stop the fight.


e. Disqualification: When competitors hit foul, they shall receive a

caution, and a lot of cautions shall equal disqualification. If the foul

is too wicked, the competitor shall be immediately disqualificated.


f. Decision: When rounds are over, striking points and grappling points

are summed, and the competitor which gets more points shall be the winner.

Striking points shall be judged by two sub-referee as follows.

10:10 no difference

10:9 a little difference (clean effective hits)

10:8 difference (knock down without sereous damage)

10:7 clear difference (knock down with sereous damage)

10:6 overwhelming difference (almost knock out or technical knock out)

Grappling points shall be judged by referee as follows.

(i) Takedown

2 points the competitor gets takedown which gets positioning points or

submission points.

1 point the competitor gets takedown which does not get positioning

points or submission points.

(ii) Positioning

5 points back mount position

4 points mount position

2 points on-top position

(iii) Submission

1 point the competitor gets "Catch."



(10) Fouls are as follows.

a. Illegal attacks: (i) headbuttings, (ii) elbow blows, (iii) blows with

a hand except the knuckle part (open hands blow or chop blows), (iv)

blows to the spine, (v) any attacks to the fingers, (vi) blows to the

opponent in ground position (in case of continuous touching of any parts

of competitor's body except the sole of a foot on mat).


b. Ill-mannered acts: (i) biting or pressing with teeth, (ii) scratch

with nails, (iii) putting into the eyes, nostrils, earholes, or anus with

the fingers, (iv) taking the skin with fingers, (v) pulling the hair,

nose, or ears, (vi) catching the wear, (vii) attacks and defences using

rope, corner mat, or similar substances, (viii) attacks to a knock downed

opponent, (ix) pushing an opponent out of the ring, (x) disobeying the

referee's instructions, (xi) offensive language or insult to an opponent

or a referee, (xii) squeal or shout.


c. Escape: (i) deliberately leaving the ring, (ii) spewing the mouth



d. Faked match: (i) match fixing, (ii) collusion, (iii) failing to fight

in good faith.


(11) When the fight becomes deadlocked, the referee shall call "Break,"

and the competitors must separate each other, and continue the fight in

the stand position.


(12) When both competitors are about to fall out of the ring, the referee

shall call "Don't move." In this case, both competitors must stop their

motion, and the referee with two sub-referees shall move them to the

center of the ring and continue the fight.




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