Amateur Gardening - April 4, Home & Garden Magazines |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->48FREE FLOWERING PLANTS!4 April 2015weklyb ra t eCe l eerswflownSunyour oGrownshiney of suraarietiesh our vwitPOTUPHERBStto make attractivepatio containersINCREDIBLOOMSAdvice on growingflowers that lookand taste great!40fixesfor a great Easter gardenquickHow to divide perennialsEASTER15 top tips for wildlifeFUNNYaToby BucklandHappy holidaygardening projects“I can help you grow thefor youngstersbest spuds for chips”“ Grow Your OwnTasty, Fresh PotatoesThe Easy Way! Plant Now And Harvest InJust 10 Weeks...No Digging Required!”PLANT NOW TO ENJOYTHAT HOME-GROWNPOTATO TASTEINJUST 10WEEKS!f you’ve ever dreamtCOMPLETE PATIOof harvesting yourPOTATO STARTER KITvery own crop ofWAS £19.99delicious home-grownpotatoes, then thisPatio Potato Kit is whatyou nee– and it’sneedsoPlant, Grow,seasy! Simply+PP&Iaadd water andEnjoy in 3ccompost andSiimple Steeps...youSimple Steps...ycan enjoythunbeatablethePlace yourFor EXTRA 10% OFFtubers aboutJoin our Club Today!flavour of the4” deep and halffreshest potatoesfill your heavyjust 10 weeks from planting!INo Digging, No Effort,No Backache! You Don’tEven Need A Garden!£14–NOW–SAVE £5.00!.991duty pot withcompostyour2Asestablishpotatoplantsand grow, justkeep toppingup the compost3Feed andwater(don’t soak)for a heavycrop ofdelicious,tasty newpotatoesFullinstructionare sent with your order and further guidelines can befound at www.Youinstructionswww.YouGarden.com/CareThe freshest, tastiest, mostdelicious ‘tates’ you’ve ever tasted!Perfect for salads on a warmsummer’s evening6 ‘Turbo Tubers’ of 3 specially-selected varieties (an ‘Early’, a‘Salad’ and a ‘Main crop’) plus 3Heavy Duty 30 Litre Pots!Harvest in succession for 4 monthsthroughout summer (June-September)Each kit includes: 3 varieties of ‘Turbo Seed Tubers’,Organic Potato Fertiliser & 3 Heavy Duty PotsPACK OF 20 RUNNERSEach plant produces up to 400g (1lb)of fruit this June - more in subsequentseasons.ITEM: 320003Strawberry ‘CambridgeFavourite’–Only £9.99BONUS OFFER!Swift (Early)Charlotte (Salad)Desiree (Maincrop)3 EASY WAYS TO ORDER:1.Visit: YouGarden.com/AG2752.Telephone: 0844 6 569 5693.ByCalls cost no more than 5p per min from a BT landline. Other network charges may vary.YouGarden, PO Box 637, Wetherby Road, York YO26 0DQOffer available while stocks last.post using the couponAG275ALWAYSUSECODE:OUR DOUBLE GUARANTEE TO YOU1. If you’re not totally happy with your order, return it within 30 daysand we’ll replace or refund in full.2. Should any hardy plants fail to thrive thereafter,we’ll replace free of charge – you just pay the PP&I!Peter McDermottHead GardenerPost to:YouGarden, PO Box 637, Wetherby Road, York YO26 0DQ*A £6.00 surcharge will apply to the following postcode areas:AB, BT, DD8-11, GY, HS, IM, IV, JE, KA27-28, KW, PA20-80, PH19-50,TR21-25 & ZE. See website for full details.ITEM OFFER DESCRIPTIONPRICE QTY SUB TOTAL350007Complete Patio Potato Kit-3 Varieties of SeedPotato, 3 Pots and FertiliserWAS £19.99SAVE £5.00£14.99These SPECIAL OFFERS go perfectly with your Starter Patio Potato Kit120003Traditional Hessian Sacks - Pack of 10SAVE £4.00£8.99320003Strawberry ‘Cambridge Favourite’ - Pack of 20 Runners£9.99HOW TO SAVE AN EXTRA 10% OFF YOUR ORDER RIGHT NOW!Join The YouGarden Club and820001SAVE 10% ON EVERY ORDER!£10.00Was £20, Now £10.SAVE £10Deduct 10% (10p in every £1) if you joined The YouGarden ClubAdd PP&I£6.99I enclose cheque/PO payable toADVERT CODE: AG275YouGarden (name & address on back) for £__________________Or charge my Visa/Mastercard/Maestro card:CardSecurityNo.No.Last 3 digits on reverseStartExpiryMaestroDateDateIssue No.Mr/Mrs/Ms/MissAddressPostcodeEmailTelephonePlease tick here if you would prefer not to receive offers other than from us.© YouGarden Limited 2015.First NameSurnameTOTALORDERVALUE4 APRIL 2015The Day Lily’s boldflowers only last 24hours, hence thename. Some bloomsare scented – andthe speciesH. citrinaflowers at night.Queen’Sunflower ‘VelvetrrpShutterstockThis weekinCover pictureHemerocallis species48FREE FLOWERING PLANTS!wekly4 April 2015£1.99ONLYDid you know?FREESEEDS£2.69POT UPTHERBSRBSto makeattattractivetractivepatio containersainersSUBSCRIBE!fromjustanissue✆0330 333 4555INCREDIBLOOMSAdvice on growingflowers that lookand taste great!40fixesHow to divide perennials15 top tips for wildlifeToby Bucklandy Bucklandaquickfor a great Easter gardenEASTERFUNNYand quote:18Dor go towww.amateurgardeningsubs.co.uk/18D£11 49770954 851355Happyholidaygardening projects“I can help you growthefor youngstersbest spuds for chips”P8Divide perennialsAll TimeInc unless indicatedP11Plant a pot46811121314364756161821245475Practical10 easy spring projects tosmarten up your plotGrow your own pretty andtasty edible flowersAdvice on lifting, dividingand replanting perennialsPlant up a mixed pot ofherbs for the patio15 ways to let garden wildlifeknow you like them!We welcome the return ofQVC’s Richard JacksonFun gardening jobs for kidsover the Easter breakFeatures40 quick and easy ideas totransform your gardenExpert advice on growing arange of amazing sunflowersThe glories ofPrimulaseiboldii,plus growing tipsP12Wildlife tipsP14Fun for kidsExpert adviceSue SticklandThe joy of purple sproutingPeter SeabrookEaster weekend jobsChristine WalkdenLeeks run to seedAnne SwithinbankMy best-smelling daphneBob FlowerdewPlug plants Vs seedToby BucklandBest spuds for chips!’M NOT a naturally tidyperson – you only haveto look at my desk atwork to see that. But inmost areas of my life Imaintain some semblanceof order. I wash dishes andput them away, andcarefully hang up mostclothes. However myunderwear drawer is intotal chaos except whenmy wife, Kath, gets fed upand sorts and folds andfusses and makes me feelguilty for disturbing herneat little shop display – itlooks fabulous, but they’reonly socks and underpants!I should set her loose onIitor’s leterEdTim Rumballbox and bags. However Idon’t plan to mention this toKath. Some years ago thegarage got a littlecongested. While I was outat the allotment onemorning, she removed theentire contents and piledthem on the lawn in a heapand left it for me to sort out.Unreasonable or what –she’d better not try thatwith my underwear drawer!Have a greatgardening week.my seed packet collection.This morning I spent tenminutes sorting throughhuge bundles of flower &veg seed packets to findleek seeds that I needed tosow. I knew they were inmy box (and two plasticbags), but they’re all mixedup, totally random.Last year I had a clearoutand threw away (almost)all my old seeds becausethey were in a mess. Thepresent chaos took just 12months to achieve!Actually it took me fiveminutes to fight my waythrough the mess in thegarage to get to the seed4466RegularsFour pressure washerstried, tested and ratedWe visit a Good Lifegarden in StaffordGet in touch!✆01202 440840EMAIL US:amateurgardening@timeinc.comEDITORIAL OFFICES:Westover House, West Quay Road,Poole Dorset BH15 1JGEXPERTS HELPLINE:0843 168 0200 (12-1 Monday - Friday)4 APRIL 2015AMATEUR GARDENING3gardeningYourWelcoe!F YOU feel a bit peckish whilegardening, what do you usuallydo? Pop inside for a cuppa anda biscuit? On p6, Graham suggestssome more unusual forms ofsustenance, and takes a look at theworld of edible flowers. He is alsobusy dividing perennials for freesummer colour in his borders (p8-9), while I contemplate 10 simpleprojects to transform your gardenin the year ahead, right, and plantup a herb container (p11). I will alsobe showing you 15 easy ways ofattracting beneficial wildlife intoyour garden (p12) to help pollinateplants and combat those peskypests that are starting to emerge.With AG eperts Graham Clarke and Ruth HayeIt took less than an hour– excluding buying theplants and container –to create my pottedherb gardenweekItop tipTo change planting arrangements ingarden borders, don’t buy all yourplants at once. Visit garden centresand nurseries every few weeks toget a range of plants withstaggered floweringand fruiting to giveyear-round interestRuth HayesAG’SGARDENING WRITERPRIZE DRAWWITH SLOW-RELEASE nutrients tolast six months, Gro-Sure PlantingreMagic is ideal for allplants, vegetables,trees, shrubs and bulbs..It also contains water--storing pockets forbetter moisture controland seaweed to boostplant growth. We havefive packs to give away.To enter the draw, sendyour name and address onnthe back of a postcard toPlanting Magic Draw, Amateur Gardening,Westover House, West Quay Road, Poole,Dorset BH15 1JG. Or email your details toag_giveaway@timeinc.com, heading theemail Planting Magic Draw. The closingdate is: 8 April, 2015.Pick a project!If you are trying to think of projects to transform yourgarden this year,Ruthhas 10 suggestionsIKE MANY gardeners, you may havestarted 2015 full of determination totransform your garden.But now, four cold and wet months downthe line, your enthusiasm for the proposedtasks may be beginning to wane. So let usrekindle it, by suggesting 10 easy andAll TimeInc.4AMATEUR GARDENING4 APRIL 2015WestlandLeffective changes that you can make inthe garden.All the projects are relatively simple,and none should take more than a day orso to complete, but will add an extradimension to your garden. In fact, whynot have a go this Easter weekend?10 projectsto try in 2015Here are my top ten suggestions foradding extra value to your gardenPut up a trellis.Hide an unsightly wall or garden object with an easy-to-install trellis. Once it is up, use it as a support for an attractive climbersuch as honeysuckle or clematis.12Painting a clay pot.Add variety to yourterracotta containers by painting them withacrylic paint and then spraying them with clearacrylic to seal the paint so it won’t fade or peel.3Plantingshrubs ina shady area.Use shade-loving plantswith brightflowers orberries tobrighten updarker areas.Try aSkimmiajaponica,pictured, or aFuchsia‘MrsPopple’ andthen plantsnowdrops,anemonesand cyclamenat their base.Pot up a herbrbgarden.I hadaadsmall bay treelanguishing in aplastic pot that I’dbeen meaning toodo somethingwith. I plantedit in a largercontainerwith aselection ofother herbs tocreate a one-pot herb gardennthat I can site nearearthe kitchen door. Seer.how I did it on p11.45Pond in abarrel orsink.Waterfeatures neednot be massiveor elaborate tohave abeneficial effectin the garden.You can createone out of anold barrel, sinkor even a bath– as long as theplughole isblocked! Alwaysleave a way forfrogs, toads andother animals toget in and out.76Plant an alpine garden.Alpine plants suchas gentians,Sisyrinchium bellumandcampanula look fabulous in an old sink ortrough. Add evergreens and features for year-round interest.Install awater butt.They are easy toinstall, can saveyou money ifyou are on ameter, and ifsited near thebusiest part ofthe garden, willcut out a lot ofto-ing and fro-ing withwatering cans.You can linkseveral togetherfor greatercapacity.Put up anarch.There issomethingtraditionallyEnglish aboutan archwayfestoonedwith scentedroses orhoneysuckle.They arerelativelyeasy to siteand will addan extradimension tothe garden.8Create a compost heap.This is anotherrelatively easy practical task – made evensimpler if you buy a composting bin! It will giveyou rich, free food and mulch for the garden.9Plan a seating area.A seating areahelps turn a garden into a ‘room’for relaxation and enjoyment. And aftercompleting all these projects, you’llneed somewhere to put your feet up!4 APRIL 2015AMATEUR GARDENING105
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