American COP - May June 2010, a MISC magazines |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] $5.95 OUTSIDE U.S. $9.50 MAY/JUNE 2010 M otor of the road ? M ullInG enisbul 5-SEcond RidE SWaT reserves: Who are YoU? high Tech: pUmp Up The Jam reality Check ii: M otor Who’s KInG M ullInG TASER: ThE Conversion Up For ADAPTING IN TRYING TIMES from denisbul denisbul denisbul from denisbul 2010 MaY • June WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM 34 denisbul features 34 30 GEARINGuPfORsWAt john morrison Tough, tactical gear to give you the winning edge. 38 tAkINGthEfIvE-sECONdRIdE john higgs A jolting experience at TAsEr international. 40 sWAtAssEssMENt john russo A historical perspective to training. 42 .50GIGLOCkCONvERsION DAVE DougLAs Flying trash can lids. 46 tAsERx3 mArk hAnTEn Three’s better than one! 50 kIMbER’sPEPPERbLAstER mArk hAnTEn itchy, burnin’, watery eyes ... ExclusivE: available online only at americancopmagazine.com! There’s no such Thing as Too much Training . 4 WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM • MAY/JUNE 2010 Volume 6, number 3, Issue 29 20 TrAiNiNg for ThE ThrEAT Barrett tillman 32 40 ColuMns 18 resourCes 18 hIGhtECh jim DonAhuE CARRy OPtIONs mArk hAnTEn PRIvAtE sECuRIty ED pALumbo pETEr bricknEr REALIty ChECk II cLinT smiTh 28 stREEtLEvEL john morrison CARs ANd CRAshEs jAson hoschouEr REsERvEs kEVin michALowski OffICER suRvIvAL john russo 48 WEbsItEshOWCAsE 56 sPOtLIGht 68 AdINdEx d 32 26 dePartMents on the 10 REtuRNfIRE 14 GOOdtOGOGEAR 70 vANtAGEPOINt CoVer 18 26 30 32 34 38 40 42 hIGhtECh:PuMPuPthEJAM REALItyChECkII MOtORMuLLING REsERvEs:WhOAREyOu? GEARINGuPfORsWAt thEfIvEsECONdRIdE sWAtAssEssMENt .50GIGLOCkCONvERsION thIsExCLusIvEPACkAGE! Pg 66 66 AMERICAN COP™ (ISSN 1557-2609) is published bi-monthly by Publishers’ Development Corp., 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. Subscriptions: One year (six issues) $24.95. Single copies $5.95 (in Canada $9.50). Change of address: four weeks notice required on all changes. Send old address as well as new. Contributors submitting manuscripts, photographs or drawings do so at their own risk. Material cannot be returned unless accompanied by suficient postage. Payment is for all world rights for the material. The act of mailing a manuscript constitutes the author’s certiication of originality of mate- rial. Opinions expressed are those of the bylined authors and do not necessarily represent those of the magazine or it’s advertisers. Advertising rates furnished on request. Reproduction or use of any portion of this magazine in any manner, without written permission, is prohibited. Entire contents Copyright© 2010 Publishers’ Development Corp. All rights reserved. Title to this publication passes to subscriber only on delivery to his address. SUBSCRIPTION PROBLEMS: For immediate action, write Subscription Dept., 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN COP™, 12345 World Trade Drive, San Diego, CA 92128. WWW.AMERICANCOPMAGAZINE.COM 5
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