AmigaDOS Error Return Codes, serwisówki |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] AmigaDOS Error Return Codes When CLI commands fail they return certain messages. These take the form of cryptic numbers that explain the cause of the error. If you have a message which gives you an error number, you can type: FAULT error number. Below is the full list of error codes with a suitable explanation to their meaning. 103: Insufficient Free store There is not enough memory to carry out the request. Try closing down other programs or delete files from the RAM disk. 105: Task Table Full The Amiga is limited to 20 CLI tasks. Try closing a few and then enter the command again. 120: Argument line invalid or to long The CLI argument was typed incorrectly, or had too many items on the list. Read any documentation you may have relating to it. 121: File is not an object module The file is not an executable program. It could be a project file that requires another application to view it. 122: Invalid resident library during load The required library was found but was not the correct type. This could be caused by having an old version of the library or the file is corrupt. Try searching for a newer version on the Internet or copying the file from your Workbench disks. 202: Object in use The file or directory is in use by another task. It is not possible for two programs to alter the same file at the same time. If it is a directory that cannot be deleted, type ASSIGN to see if the directory has been designated a device. 203: Object already exists This usually occurs when renaming a file. There are two files in the same directory with that name. The file must be called something else or deleted. 204: Directory not found Self explanatory! The directory has not been found. This is likely to occur if the CD-ROM or disk has been taken out of the drive. 205: Object not found The file has not been found. Check the spelling of the filename and if the disk is in the drive. 206: Invalid window description The window dimensions are too big or too small. 209: Packet request type unknown A device handler was asked to perform a task that the device does not support. For example, the console device cannot delete or rename anything. This is a programming fault. 210: Invalid stream component name An invalid character was used in a file or device name. The name must be less than 30 characters in length and should not contain control characters. 211: Invalid object lock The lock code was not recognized by the AmigaDOS call. This is a programming fault. 212: Object not of required type A directory has become confused with a file, or vise versa. The command expected one thing but the filename points to a different type of object. 213: Disk not validated An error normally caused by a bad disk, but can also be caused if a write request is made to a disk before it has been validated. Disk validation takes places almost immediately when a disk is inserted. Try the command again once the disk has been read. If the fault still persists, download a copy of DiskSalv from Aminet and try to validate the disk. 214: Disk write protected The write-protect tab on the disk was open (you can see through the hole), so no data could be written to the disk. 215: Rename across device attempted Rename can only change a filename from one thing to another on the same device. To move a file use the MOVE command (OS3.5+ only) or COPY and DELETE (OS3.1 and below). 216: Directory not empty Delete all the files in the directory first. 218: Device not mounted The device name could not be found by the Amiga. For example, the Amiga may be looking for a disk called BOB1: that has been taken out of the drive. 219: Seek error The AmigaDOS low level SEEK function has failed. This can be caused by an attempt to seek beyond the end of a file. It is usually a programmer error. 220: Comment too big The filenote was more than 80 characters. 221: Disk full The disk is full. Try freeing some space or using another disk. 222: File is protected from deletion The file has been protected. Highlight the icon and select information from the pull-down menus. You will now be able to alter the file protection. 223: File is protected from Writing The file can be read but not written too. 224: File is protected from reading The file cannot be read. 225: Not a DOS disk The disk cannot be read by the system. It may be in a format AmigaOS cannot understand, requiring a customized DOS Driver. Alternatively the disk may be corrupt. 226: No disk in drive An attempt was made to read from an empty disk drive. 232: No more entries in directory The directory contains no more entries to examine. This occurs as a result of calling the NEXT low level function. It is a programming error only.
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