Amiga to PC Floppy adapter - Manual

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Amiga to PC Floppy adapter - Manual, serwisówki
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Amiga to PC floppy adapter user manual
This adapter allows you to use an unmodified PC floppy disk drive with an Amiga
computer. This adapter only supports the use of DS/DD 880K floppy disks, even if
you fit a PC style High Density (HD) drive.
In addition, this adaptor provides a fix for Escom/Amiga Technologies A1200 units
which have a motherboard and drive modification that prohibits the use of some
NON-DOS games. A simple clip on fix is provided.
You can use this adaptor to replace aging or broken drives in any Amiga model. This
guide provides details of how to fit and test the adaptor. Cosmetic changes to the
drive, to fit A500/A600/A1200 faceplate are not covered by this manual.
Required tools
Philips or flat blade screwdrivers, as required, to disassemble your computer.
Needle nose pliers
The unit you received looks like this:
Connector for PC
floppy drive
Connector for Amiga
floppy drive cable
Test clip for Escom
RDY fix
Power input connector
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April 2009
Amiga to PC floppy adapter user manual
Connection to the new drive is simple, the unit plugs directly in to new drive. Connect
to the PC floppy power plug using the supplied power lead. The power plug on the
PCB is polarised to prevent reverse polarity connections. Using the existing 34 way
IDC cable from the Amiga connect it to this adapter. You should now have something
that looks like this:
For the A500/A600/A1200, you should be able to re-use the existing fittings to secure
the drive inside the case. Modify the end plate as you require.
For towered systems, fit the assembled unit into an available 3 ½ drive bay.
Escom/Amiga Technologies fix
If you have an Escom or Amiga Technologies A1200, you will need to use the
supplied test clip to fix the FDD interface. Connect the test clip to pin 1 of the inside
of the 23 way floppy drive connector as shown here:
You will need to remove the metal RF shielding and if necessary cut away a section to
accommodate this clip.
Jumper settings
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April 2009
Amiga to PC floppy adapter user manual
This PCB has two sets of jumpers. Units are shipped with the following settings:
JP1 2-3
JP2 1-2
JP1 configures the connection for the nRDY signal. The default connection is 2-3
which is for all units except Escom A1200. Connecting the jumper to positions 1-2
allow the test clip to provide the nRDY signal to the Amiga as detailed above.
JP2 configures the DS0/DS1 setting of the PC drive. By default the PC drive is set to
respond to DS1. Setting the jumper to 1-2 makes the drive respond as DS1 (default)
setting the jumper to 2-3 makes the drive respond to DS0.
It is worth pointing out here that regardless of this jumper setting, the current V1 PCB
design only supports connection for DF0: as it uses the nSEL0 connection from the
Final checks
Re-check all connections, especially the 34 way IDC cable as it can easily be
dislodged. If necessary check the jumper settings. Then re-assemble the unit.
The first test is to power on the Amiga and ensure that the activity LED is not on
permanently. If it is, refer to the troubleshooting and support section below.
Insert your Workbench disk and boot the machine. There should be no difference to
before. Insert a new blank disk and format it.
Next copy your workbench disk to this newly formatted disk using the
DF0: df0:
command from the Shell/CLI. This tests the ability of the adaptor and
the drive to read and write disks.
The final test to prove compatibility is to try a N-DOS/copy protected game or demo
disk and ensure the unit boots without issue.
Troubleshooting and support
You can always contact me via email at the following address if there are any issues
If the drive LED(s) are on permanently, make sure you have the 34 way IDC cable
round the right way. This is especially important on leads that do not have a polarising
If the unit appears dead, check that you have connected a power cable to the unit and
the supplied power unit to the drive.
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April 2009
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