Amiga 2000 Introduction, serwisówki |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] ■. -Introduction to the C" Commodore AMIGA 2OOO i i 1 i i i i i■r i i i / ; f / ..( J J ' i i J*— - ■\ jL_ / " u ■Q u Q U D U U Q D Q U □ U D D n Introduction to the commodore 2000 V f COPYRIGHT » ' Thismanual Copyright©1985,1986,1987Commodore-Amiga, Inc., All Rights Reserved.Thisdocumentmaynot, in wholeor in part,becopied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reducedto any electronic mediumormachine . readableformwithoutpriorconsent, inwriting,fromCommodore-Amiga, Inc. i ( All software described in this manual Copyright ©1985. 1986 Commodore-Amiga, Inc., All Rights Reserved. The distribution and saleof these products are intended fortheuse of the original purchaseronly. Lawful users of these programs are hereby licensedonly to read the programs, from theirmedia into memoryofacomputer, solely forthe • • purpose of executing the programs. Duplicating orcopying for other than backup purposes, or selling or otherwise \ ) distributingthese products is aviolation of the law. ) DISCLAIMER COMMODORE-AMIGA, INC.. MAKES NOWARRANTIES. EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT \ ) TOTHE PROGRAMS DESCRIBED HEREIN. THEIR QUALITY. PERFORMANCE. MERCHANTABILITY. OR FIT- i J NESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THESE PROGRAMS ARE SOLD "AS IS." THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THEIR QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IS WITH THE BUYER. SHOULD THE PROGRAMS PROVE DEFECTIVE FOLLOWING THEIR PURCHASE. THE BUYER(ANDNOTTHECREATORSOFTHE PROGRAMS. COMMODORE-AMIGA. INC.. THEIR DISTRIBUTORS. \ i ORTHEIRRETAILERS)ASSUMESTHEENTIRECOSTOFALLNECESSARYDAMAGES. ^ [ IN NOEVENTWILLCOMMODORE-AMIGA. INC.. BELIABLE FOR DIRECT. INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL, OR CONSE QUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PROGRAMS EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OFTHEPOSSIBUTYOFSUCHDAMAGES. SOME LAWS DONOTALLOWTHEEXCLUSIONOR LIMITATIONOF r ? IMPLIEDWARRANTIESOR LIABLITIES FOR INCIDENTALOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. SOTHE ABOVE ' [ LIMITATIONOR EXCLUSION MAYNOTAPPLY. ' » Amigaisa registeredtrademarkofCommodore-Amiga, Inc. AmigaTransformer is atrademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. . CommodoreandCBMareregisteredtrademarksofCommodore ElectronicsLimited. < / Bridgeboard is atrademarkofCommodore-Amiga, Inc. * ' Alphacom isa registeredtrademarkand Alphapro isatrademarkofAlphacom, Inc. Appleisa registeredtrademarkand ImageWrtter isatrademarkofAppleComputers, Inc. Brotherisa registeredtrademarkofBrother Industries, Ltd. —; CentronicsisaregisteredtrademarkofDataComputerCorporation. < t DiabloandXeroxareregisteredtrademarksofXeroxCorporation. i—1/ Epson isaregisteredtrademarkand FX-80, JX-80, and RX-80aretrademarksof EpsonAmerica. Inc. Hayes isa registeredtrademarkof Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. IBM and IBMPC are registered trademarksof International Business Machines Corporation. LaserJetand LaserJet PLUS aretrademarks ofHewlett-Packard Company. \ f Macintosh PlusisaregisteredtrademarkofMacintosh Laboratories. > J MS-DOSisa registeredtrademarkof Microsoft Corporation. OkkJataisaregisteredtrademarkandMicrolineandOkimate20aretrademarksofOkidata,adivisionofOkiAmerica, Inc. Qumeisa registeredtrademarkand LetterPro 20is atrademarkofQume Corporation. \ f WARNING: Thisequipment has been certified to comply with the limits foraClass Bcomputing device, pursuant to subpartJof Part 15of FCC rules. Onlyperipherals (computer input/outputdevices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified tocomplywiththeClassBlimitsmaybeattachedtothiscomputer.Operationwithnon-certifiedperipheralsislikelyto result in interference to radioandTV reception. v p 1 f InformationinChapter7,AmigaDOSandtheCU,usedbypermissionofBantamComputerBooks. *~~"^ THE PRODUCT DOES NOT NECESSARILY RESEMBLE THE PICTURE INSIDE THE USER'S MANUAL LJ LJ G H ^ About This Manual i ! ■A . This manual is designed to let you set up and start using your Amiga 2000 with a minimum ofeffort. The manual includes nine chapters, a ' ( setofappendices, aglossaryandan index. Here'sabriefdescriptionof each part ofthis manual: ) | Chapter 1, Introduction, summarizes the general features and capabili ties ofthe Amiga 2000. J*—"I Chapter 2, Setting Up the Amiga, shows how to put your Amiga together. If you're using an Amiga for the first time, read Chapter 3, Getting Started, to learn the basics. Chapter4, Using the Workbench, describes the nuts and bolts ofusing Workbench—to familiarize yourself with elements like icons, menus, r""1 andusing the mouse. Chapter 5, Workbench Tools, tells about the useful tools available fmml throughtheWorkbenchdisk, includingAmiga'sbuilt-inclock, calcula tor, notepad, icon editor, speech synthesizer, graphic dump, and inter national keymap selector. H Chapter 6, Using Preferences, explains how to customize your Amiga by changing the settings on the Preferences utility ofWorkbench. Chapter 7, AmigaDOS and the CLI, explains how to use the Amiga Disk Operating System by typing in commands directly, via the Com- fmmm] mand Line Interface (CLI). Chapter 8, Adding to the Amiga 2000, describes printers, extra mem- r""J ory, disk drives, modems and other hardware peripherals available for your Amiga. r~] Chapter 9, Caringfor the Amiga 2000, gives advice on how to keep ' your Amiga in good working order. fmmm\ Appendix A, Technical Reference, contains technical specifications, and diagrams ofinput/output connectors. f""^ Appendix B, AmigaDOSReference, contains summaries ofAmigaDOS CLI and screen editor (ED) commands, as wellas a list ofAmiga error numbers and what to do when you get the errors. 1 Hi
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