Amiga 500 Introduction, serwisówki |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] n Introduction to the Cs Commodore8 ^p £f\£=% AMIGA JUU u COPYRIGHT This manual Copyright E1985, 1936. 1987 Commodore-Amiga, Inc., All Rights Reserved. This document may not. in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from Commodore-Amiga. Inc. All software described in this manual Copyright £ 1985, 1986. 1987 Commodore-Amiga, Inc., All Rights Reserved, The distribution and sale of these products are intended (or the use of the original purchaser only. Lawiul users of these programs are hereby licensed only to read the programs, from their media into memoryof a computer, solely lor the purpose of executing the programs. Duplicating, copying, selling, or otherwise distributing these products is a violation of the law. DISCLAIMER COMMODORE-AMIGA. INC.. MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PROGRAMS DESCRIBED HEREIN, THEIR QUALITY, PERFORMANCE. MERCHANTABILITY. OR FIT NESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THESE PROGRAMS ARE SOLD "AS IS." THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THEIR QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE IS WITH THE BUYER. SHOULD THE PROGRAMS PROVE DEFECTIVE FOLLOWING THEIR PURCHASE, THE BUYER (AND NOT THE CREATORS OF THE PROGRAMS. COMMODORE-AMIGA. INC.. THEIR DISTRIBUTORS. OR THEIR RETAILERS) ASSUMES THE ENTIRE COSTOF ALL NECESSARY DAMAGES, IN NO EVENT WILL COMMODORE-AMIGA, INC., BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT. INCIDENTAL, OR CONSE QUENTIAL DAMAGES RESULTING FROM ANY DEFECT IN THE PROGRAMS EVEN IF IT HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBLITYOF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME LAWS DO NOTALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR LIABLITIES FOR INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THE ABOVE LIMITATION OH EXCLUSION MAY NOT APPLY. Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc. Amiga Transformer is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga. Inc. Commodore and CBM are registered trademarks of Commodore Electronics Limited, Alphacom is a registered trademark and Alphapro is a trademark of Alphacom. Inc. Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computers, Inc. ImageWriter is a trademark ol Apple Computers, Inc. Brother is a registered trademark of Brother Industries, Lid. Centronics is a registered trademark of Data Computer Corporation. Diablo is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation. Epson is a registered trademark and FX-80. JX-80, and RX-80 are trademarks of Epson America, Inc. Hayes is a registered trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. IBM is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation. LaserJet and LaserJet PLUS are trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company. Okidata is a registered trademark and Microline and Okimale 20 are trademarks olOkidata, a division of Oki America. Inc. Qume is a registered trademark of and LetterPro 20 is a trademark of Qume Corporation. WARNING: This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class B computing device, pursuant to subpart J of Part 15 of FCC rules. Only peripherals {computer input/output devices, terminals, printers, etc.) certified to comply with the Class B limits may be attached to this computer. Operation with non-certified peripherals is likely to result in interference to radio and TV reception. Printed in Hong Kong Product names, company names, and other specific designated wordsor phrases appearing in this document may oe protected as trademarks or registered trademarks or may be protected by copyright or other legal means. Any such words, names, phrases and designations cannot be used without the express permission of the holderorownerof the trademark, registered trademark, copyright orother legal protection for such word, phrase, name or designation, This requirement applies even if such word, name, phrase, or designation is not identified as protected in this document. Product Screens used in Chapter 1 are display images from the following trademarked programs: Aegis Animator and Aegis Images are trademarks of Aegis Development. Inc. Amigaterm. Graphicraft, Amiga Macro Assembler and MindWalker are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, fnc. Analyze! is a trademark of Micro-Systems Software, Inc. Chessmaster 2000 is a trademark of The Software Toolworks. Deluxe Paint. Instant Music and Marble Madness are trademarks of Electronic Arts. Leader Board is a trademark of Access Software. Master Type Improved is a trademark of Scarborough by Mindscape. Inc. Maxiplan and MaxiSolt are trademarks of MaxiSolt. Softwood File IISG is a trademark of Softwood Company, Music Studio is a trademark of Activision, Inc. Page Setter 15 a trademark of Gold Page, Inc. Talking Coloring Book is a trademark of JMH Software of Minnesota, Inc. Information in Chapter 7, AmigaDOS and the CLI. used by permission of Bantam Computer Books. About This Manual This manual is designed to let you set up and start using your Amiga 500 with a minimum of effort. The manual includes nine chapters, a set of appendices, a glossary and an index. Here's a brief description of each part of this manual: Chapter I. Introduction, summarizes the general features and capabilities of ihe Amiga 500. Chapter 2. Setting Up the Amiga 500, shows how to pui your Amiga together. If you're using an Amiga for the lirst time, read Chapter3. GettingStarted, to learn the basics. Chapter 4. Using the Workbench, describes the nuts and bolts of using Work bench—to familiarize yourself with elements like icons, menus, and using the mouse. Chapter 5, Workbench Toots, tells about the useful tools available through the Workbench disk, including Amiga's built-in clock, calculator, notepad, icon editor, speech synthesizer, graphic dump, and international keymap selector. Chapter 6, Using Preferences, explains how to customize your Amiga by changing the settings on the Preferences utility of Workbench. Chapter 7. AmigaDOS and the CU, explains how to use the Amiga Disk Operating System by typing in commands directly, via the Command Line Interface (CLI). Chapter 8, Adding to the Amiga 500, describes printers, extra memory, disk drives, modems and other hardware peripherals available for your Amiga. Chapter 9. Caringfor the Amiga 500, gives advice on how to keep your Amiga in good working order. Appendix A. Technical Reference, contains technical specifications, diagrams of input/output connectors, theory of operation, memory map and a block diagram. Appendix B. AmigaDOS Reference, contains summaries of AmigaDOS CLI and screen editor (ED) commands, as well as a list of Amiga error numbers and what to do when you get the errors.
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