Ambassador, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] - A MBASSADOR - D ESCRIPTION An ambassador leads the diplomatic staff of his home- country from an embassy in the foreign capital he is accredited to. The Magnus Laws of Diplomacy state that embassies are subject to the laws of the nation of the resident ambassador's sovereign, not the nation the building is sited in. This has created more than one diplomatic incident over the years, as ex-patriots flee to their embassy in order to attempt an escape from local laws. - Ambassador Advance Scheme - Main Profile WS BS S T Ag Int WP Fel +10% +10% +5% +5% +15% +25% +25% +35% Secondary Profile A W SB TH M Mag IP FP - +6 - - - - - - Most ambassadors are nobles, with the rank of the noble in question dictating the prestige of the country he is delegated to. As the decades of diplomatic relations between the great nations have passed, strict standards of proper conduct have developed, essentially requiring all ambassadors have large residences, host lavish parties, and play an important role in the court life of their host nation. In Altdorf, one of the most prized postings for ambassadors of the Old World, some have a retinues the size of small armies, with legions of artists, performers, minor nobles, servants and various others in tow. Even in a smaller posting, the life of an ambassadors can be very expensive indeed. Skills : Academic Knowledge (Genealogy/Heraldry or History), Charm, Command, Common Knowledge (Home Nation), Gossip, Haggle,Perception, Performer (Actor), Read/Write, Ride, Speak Language (any two) Talents : Dealmaker or Schemer, Etiquette, Master Orator, Public Speaking Trappings : Appropriately Sized Retinue for the Nation Represented, Best Craftsmanship Noble's Garb, 1000 gc , Embassy, Large Residence, Career Entries : Diplomat, Noble Lord Career Exits : Merchant, Noble Lord, Politician This expansion for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay was sourced from www.blackindustries.com. It is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. © Andrew Law, 2005 (www.hapimeses.com)
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