American Beauty (1999), NIEWIDZIANE |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] {727}{823}I need a father who's a role model,|not some horny geek boy,{825}{936}who's going to spray his shorts whenever|I bring a girlfriend home from school.{974}{1033}What a lame-o.{1087}{1184}Someone really should just put him|out of his misery.{1239}{1316}You want me to kill him for you?{1484}{1544}Yeah. Would you?{1848}{1924}My name is Lester Burnham.{1925}{2001}This is my neighborhood.{2003}{2073}This is my street.{2075}{2144}This is my life.{2145}{2265}I'm 42 years old.|In less than a year, I'll be dead.{2435}{2513}Of course,|I don't know that yet.{2592}{2695}And in a way,|I'm dead already.{2927}{3014}Look at me,|jerking off in the shower.{3053}{3179}This will be the high point of my day.|It's all downhill from here.{3287}{3363}That's my wife, Carolyn.{3365}{3484}See the way the handle on those pruning|shears matches her gardening clogs?{3486}{3560}That's not an accident.{3624}{3717}- Hush. What is wrong with you?|- That's our next-door neighbor, Jim.{3719}{3813}And that's his lover, Jim.{3815}{3899}- You spoil her.|Bitsy, no bark. Come inside now.|- Me?{3901}{3972}- Come on. Yes. Inside.|- Good morning, Jim!{3973}{4025}Good morning, Carolyn.{4027}{4128}I love your tie!|That color!{4130}{4238}I just love your roses. How do you|get them to flourish like this?{4240}{4329}Well, I'll tell you,|eggshells and Miracle-Gro.{4331}{4440}- I've never heard that.|- Man, I get exhausted just watching her.{4441}{4539}She wasn't always like this.|She used to be happy.{4599}{4679}We used to be happy.{4681}{4780}My daughter Jane.|Only child.{4840}{4919}- Janie's a pretty typical teenager.{4921}{5022}Angry, insecure, confused.{5024}{5149}I wish I could tell her that's all going|to pass, but I don't want to lie to her.{5242}{5320}Jane, honey, are you trying|to look unattractive?{5321}{5421}- Yes.|- Congratulations.|You've succeeded admirably.{5423}{5531}Lester, could you make me|a little later, please,|because I'm not quite late enough.{5608}{5667}Nice going, Dad.{5669}{5770}Both my wife and daughter|think I'm this gigantic loser.{5772}{5844}And they're right.{5845}{5927}I have lost something.{5929}{6002}I'm not exactly sure|what it is,{6004}{6089}but I know|I didn't always feel this,{6091}{6137}sedated.{6139}{6204}But you know what?{6206}{6315}It's never too late|to get it back.{6325}{6396}Hello. This is Lester Burnham|from Media Monthly magazine.{6397}{6471}I'm calling|for Mr. Tamblin, please.{6473}{6559}Well, we're all under|a deadline here. You see,|there's some basic information,{6561}{6667}about your product launch|that isn't even covered|in your press release, and I'd,{6669}{6737}Yeah, can I ask you a question?{6739}{6846}Who is Tamblin? Does he exist?|'Cause he doesn't ever seem to come in.{6848}{6916}Yeah. Okay.|I'll leave my number.{6917}{7024}It's 555-0199.{7025}{7110}Lester Burnham.|Thank you!{7145}{7244}Hey, Les.|You got a minute?{7245}{7334}For you, Brad,|I got five!{7336}{7444}So, yeah, I'm sure you can understand|our need to cut corners around here.{7445}{7496}Oh, sure.|Times are tight.{7498}{7580}You got to free up some cash.|You got to spend money to make money.{7581}{7650}- Right?|- Exactly.{7652}{7746}Like the time that Mr. Flournoy|used the company MasterCard|to pay for that hooker,{7748}{7848}and she used the card numbers|and stayed at the St. Regis for,|what was it, three months?{7849}{7947}- That's unsubstantiated gossip.|- That's $50,000.|That's somebody's salary.{7949}{8023}That's somebody who's going|to get fired because Craig|has to pay women to fuck him!{8025}{8072}Jesus!{8074}{8163}I mean, calm down.|Nobody's getting fired yet.{8165}{8224}That's why we're having everyone,{8225}{8333}write out a job description mapping|out in detail how they contribute.{8335}{8425}That way management|can assess who's valuable,{8427}{8492}And who's expendable.{8494}{8559}It's just business.{8561}{8639}I've been writing|for this magazine for 14 years.{8641}{8742}- You've been here how long? A whole month?|- I'm one of the good guys, Les.{8744}{8813}I'm trying to level with you.{8814}{8898}This is your one chance|to save your job.{8936}{9001}There is no decision.|You just write the damn thing.{9003}{9076}- You don't think|it's weird and kind of fascist?|- Possibly.{9077}{9125}- But you don't want to be unemployed.|- All right.{9126}{9192}Let's just all sell our souls|and work for Satan 'cause|it's more convenient that way.{9193}{9266}Oh, could you be a little bit|more dramatic, please?{9268}{9321}So, we finally got new neighbors.{9323}{9433}You know, if the Lomans|had let me represent them|instead of the Real Estate King,{9435}{9496}that house would never|have sat on the market for six months.{9497}{9564}Well, they were still mad at you|for cutting down their sycamore.{9565}{9628}Their sycamore?|Come on.{9629}{9694}A substantial portion of the root|structure was on our property.{9696}{9768}You know that.|How can you call it their sycamore?{9769}{9892}I wouldn't have the heart to just cut|down something if it wasn't partially|mine, which, of course, it was.{10267}{10324}No. No, we don't.{10325}{10420}And as soon you've prepared a nutritious|yet savory meal that I'm about to eat,{10421}{10492}you can listen|to whatever you like.{10565}{10659}So, Janie, how was school?{10661}{10717}It was okay.{10719}{10777}Just okay?{10779}{10877}No, Dad. It was spectacular.{10949}{11019}Well, you want to know|how things went in my job today?{11021}{11078}They've hired|this efficiency expert,{11080}{11145}this really friendly guy|named Brad,{11147}{11253}How perfect is that?|And he's basically there|to make it seem they're justified,{11255}{11338}in firing somebody,|because they couldn't just come|out and say that, could they?{11340}{11420}No, no. That would just be too honest.|So they've asked us,{11421}{11505}You couldn't possibly|care less, could you?{11507}{11558}What do you expect?{11560}{11662}You can't all of a sudden be my best|friend just because you had a bad day.{11702}{11802}I mean, hello, you've barely even|spoken to me for months.{11936}{12020}Oh, what? You're "Mother of the Year"?{12022}{12105}- You treat her like an employee.|- What?{12151}{12218}What?{12220}{12284}I'm going|to get some ice cream.{12492}{12539}Janie,{12569}{12687}I'm sorry I haven't|been more available.{12689}{12742}I'm just,{12797}{12892}You know, you don't always|have to wait for me to come to you.{12893}{12967}Oh, great.|So now it's my fault?{12969}{13050}I didn't say that.|It's nobody's fault. It,{13079}{13157}Janie, what happened?|We used to be pals.{15553}{15625}I will sell this house today.{16328}{16400}I will sell this house today.{16594}{16661}Welcome.|I'm Carolyn Burnham.{16663}{16736}This living room|is very dramatic.{16738}{16808}Wait till you see|the native stone fireplace!{16809}{16941}A simple cream could|really lighten things up.|You could even put in a skylight.{17007}{17058}Well, why don't we|go into the kitchen?{17060}{17141}It's a dream come true|for any cook.{17143}{17224}Just filled|with positive energy, huh?{17225}{17357}And you'll be surprised|how much a ceiling fan can|cut down on your energy costs.{17428}{17540}You know, you could have some fun|backyard get-togethers out here.{17541}{17623}The ad said this pool was lagoon-like.|There's nothing lagoon-like about it.{17625}{17732}Except for maybe the bugs.|There aren't even any plants out here.{17733}{17804}What do you call this?|Is this not a plant?{17805}{17888}If you have a problem with the plants, I|can always call my landscape architect.{17889}{18000}- Solved.|- I mean, I think "lagoon",|I think waterfall, tropical.{18001}{18072}This is a cement hole.{18147}{18222}I have some tiki torches|in the garage.{18978}{19068}Shut up! Stop it!|You weak, You baby!{20223}{20275}Who are you looking for?{20277}{20340}My parents are coming tonight.{20341}{20429}They're trying to, you know,|take an active interest in me.{20431}{20502}Gross. I hate it|when my mom does that.{20504}{20600}They're such assholes. Why can't|they just have their own lives?{20671}{20770}What makes you sure she wants us|to be there? Did she ask us to come?{20772}{20853}Of course not. She doesn't want us|to know how important this is to her.{20855}{20907}But she's been practicing|for weeks.{20909}{21012}I'll bet she's going to|resent it, and I'm missing|the James Bond marathon on T.N.T.{21013}{21134}Lester, this is important.|I'm sensing a real distance|growing between you and Jane.{21136}{21204}"Growing"?|She hates me.{21205}{21301}- She's just willful.|- She hates you too.{21491}{21565}- Excuse me. Sorry. I'm sorry.|- Pardon me.{21567}{21627}Hi! Patty!{21629}{21700}Now, for your halftime entertainment,{21701}{21805}Rockwell High's award-winning|Dancing Spartanettes!{21807}{21870}We can leave|right after this, right?{25072}{25135}Shit. They're still here.{25137}{25187}Janie!{25189}{25241}Hey, I really enjoyed that.{25243}{25315}- Congratulations, honey. You were great.|- I didn't win anything.{25317}{25404}- Hi. I'm Lester, Janie's dad.{25467}{25531}This is my friend,|Angela Hayes.{25533}{25613}Okay. Good to meet you.{25615}{25742}You were also good tonight,|very, precise.{25744}{25814}- Thanks.|- Nice to meet you, Angela.{25816}{25881}Honey, I am so proud of you.{25883}{25974}You know, I watched you very closely.|You didn't screw up once.{26000}{26076}Okay, uh, we have to go.{26078}{26140}- So what are you girls doing now?|- Dad.{26141}{26220}- We're going out for pizza.|- Really? Do you need a ride?|We can give you a ride.{26221}{26310}- I have a car.|You want to come with us?|- Thanks, but I have a car.{26312}{26404}You have a car.|That's great. That's great.{264...
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