Amalie Howard - Bloodspell(eng)

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Amalie Howard - Bloodspell(eng), Ksiazki -roznosci -1
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by Amalie Howard
Copyright © 2011 by Amalie Howard
Langdon Street Press
212 3 Ave North, Suite 290
Minneapolis, MN 55401
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
without the written prior permission of the author.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents
either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used ficti-
tiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
locales is entirely coincidental.
Cover Design by Alan Pranke
ISBN: 978-1-936782-20-8
for Connor, Noah, and Olivia
the lights of my life
for Cam
who has my heart
Never shall a Vampyre consort, befriend, or
choose for a mate any Witch, Wizard, Warlock,
or any creature harboring sorcerous abilities or
knowledge of magicks, save if such relations
have been warranted and sanctioned as crucial
by the Vampyre Council, and only in the com-
bined and unanimous interest of the Seven
Vampyre Houses.
Henceforth under the Peace Treaties of the Great
War, never shall a Vampyre attack, kill, or con-
sume the blood of any such persons or creatures
under penalty of immediate conviction and sen-
tencing by the Vampyre High Council.
To break this Covenant shall be punishable by
exile or execution in accordance with Vampyre
Vampyre Covenant XVI, The Book of Reii
"HEY FREAK, YOU lost? The hobo section is on the other side of the
Victoria shuffled past a crowded table keeping her eyes on the
scuffed toes of her sneakers as the table's occupants burst into
"By the way, the Salvation Army called, they're having a sale!" A
foot blocked her path and her stomach tensed.
No, no, no. Not now. Keep it together, Tori!
Her fingers hovered over the volume dial on her iPod as she
stepped over the foot without looking up and moved faster, away from
the table. The rush of music in her ears did nothing to dissipate the
jeers. She tucked her hands deeper into the pockets of her black hood-
ie and swallowed the knot in her throat. Just a few more steps and
she'd be out of their reach. Junior year was almost over, and the last
thing she needed was a scene in the crowded school cafeteria.
She could usually handle the Stepfords, but she wasn't herself
today. Since earlier that morning, everything had seemed off, unpre-
dictable. Volatile. After another mostly sleepless night, she'd woken up
soaked in sweat and with such achy muscles that it'd taken almost a
half hour just to get out of bed. A cold shower had done nothing to
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