AlexColierDefendingSacredGround, Channeling |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] LFA - Defending Sacred Ground 1 Letters From Andromeda is proud to make available for all Terrans the online version of Defending Sacred Ground 1 to read. While many items in this book are already available on our site, there is substantial information in the book that has not, until now been available for online reading. To begin your journey please click on the book cover on the left. Truth is within ourselves; it takes no rise From outward things, whate'er you may believe There is an inmost centre in us all Where truth abides in fulness. ROBERT BROWNING - Paracelsus http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/ [9/18/2000 6:38:52 PM] Click to continue Defending Sacred Ground: The Andromedan Compendium The Story of Alex Collier and his lifetime personal contact with the Zenetaen culture from Andromeda Produced by Letters From Andromeda and Diversified Enterprises Edited by Val Valerian, January 1997, Revised July 1998 In cooperation with Moraney and Vasais of Andromeda O Great Spirit, Whose voice I hear in the winds, And whose breath gives life to all the world, Hear Me. I am small and weak, I need your strength and wisdom http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/introduction.html (1 of 2) [9/18/2000 6:38:55 PM]  Let me walk in Beauty, and make my eyes ever behold the red and purple sunset Make My Hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice Make Me Wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my People Let Me Learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock I Seek Strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy - myself. Make Me Always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes So, When Life Fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame. Ahoe! 1997,1998 Letters from Andromedan and Diversified Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. Cover art, "American Bald Eagle", ©1997 Michael D. Young, courtesy K+J Graphics, Pittsburg, CA. A significant portion of the proceeds from the sale of this monograph go to support Letters From Andromeda, in order to assist the creation of a world of unconditional responsibility and contribute towards the implementation of a new paradigm. Published by Brotherton Press. 4800 Baseline Road , E-104 Box 365 , Boulder, Colorado 80303 United States of America. Please note that this online edition does not include graphics that appear in the printed book. http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/introduction.html (2 of 2) [9/18/2000 6:38:55 PM] The Draconians and the Paa Tal Humans Have the Ability to Create Without Technology The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy Time Travel Permits Altering Consciousness of a Race The Abduction of Humans The Rest of the Galactic Hierarchy The Andromedan Council The Negative Hierarchy: 932 to 3,700 Years Ahead Forbidden Planet: U.S. Military, Montauk and Altair Earth Humans: The Race That Kills Itself To Believe or Not to Believe: That Is The Question Space is the Place to Really See Your Face History: More of a Circle Than a Spiral Things Change, But They Remain the Same The NSA: Black Monks, Alpha 1&2 and MJ-12 Project Blue Moon, Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 Our Moon's Forbidden History Mars: Cultural Propaganda vs. Reality Tetrahedronal Geometry and Magnetic Frequency Generation Holographic Image Technology Life in the Cosmos: Bullets The UN Global Biosphere Program Flights Among the Stars: Spirit Journeys Intention, Following Instinct and Frequency Shift Effects Hale-Bopp: The Blue Star and the Empire Strikes Back The Future, Self-Responsibility and Self-Determinism The Andromedan Perspective on Human Biblical Matters The Andromedan Perspective: The Next Nine Years More on the In-Human UN Biodiversity Treaty Free-Thinking Humans Appear to Be the Enemy Humans Shackled By Lack of Vision If We Are Eternal, Then What's All the Fear About? Belief Systems and the Creation of Physical Reality Earth Evolution in Progress Planetary Oxygen Level Near Critical Level Who's The Real Power Here? Sirius B Humanoids Our Solar System At Fifth Density: Transforms in Progress About the Space of Fear Withholding Love Creates Perpetual Disintegration Reincarnational Souls of Influential Planetary Personages About the Subject of Walk-ins The Concept of the Second Coming and Related Topics Nazi Scientists and Time-Traveling Greys in 1931 The Paa-Tal Redoux Our Ancient Heritage in the Lyraen System The Draconians: A Beginning Dialogue On the Subject of Intention Intent as the Primal Force of Creation Questions and Answers Time for Us to "Walk the Talk" The Andromedans from the Star System Zenetae Consciousness as the Scale of Illumination The Brain, the Speed of Light and Evolution The Threat to Elitists of Our Unlimited Spiritual Potential Time to Get It Together and Collectively "Kick Ass" Regarding the Frequency Shift and Third Density Implosion In the Final Analysis, All We Have is Each Other The Andromedans Define Our Future Corporate and Government of the Current Situation Solar System and Slide Program Commentary An Initial Protocol for Personal Extraterrestrial Contact Andromedan vs Earth Educational Systems Probable Events That Might Occur in the Next Few Years The Andromedan Perspective on the Concept of Time http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/contents.html (1 of 4) [9/18/2000 6:38:58 PM]  The True Meaning of the term "Warrior" The Love You Withhold is the Pain You Carry Human Genetic Transfers and Reincarnation Human Evolutionary Stages of Development The Issue of "Fear" and the Changes Around Us What Makes a Human Being Most Humans Haven't a Clue What's Happening Human Children Being Taken Off the Planet Each Year The Implosion of the Government Begins in 1997 The Andromedan Holographic Language More on the Upcoming Dimensional Changes Intervention Changes Reality for Everyone Effects Between Now and 2013 Are Long-Term The Human Concept of "Angels" More On What Will Happen in the Next Ten Years On the Meaning of the Use of Feathers By Native Americans Questions and Answers More on the Magnetic Color-Sound Frequency On a Misteaching in Metaphysics General Trends of Humanoid Races in the Universe General Observations on Andromedan Society Other Races Associated With Andromedans The Draconian Royal Line The "Rescue Mission" Galactic Interplay Behind the Scenes Captured Human Souls When the Dominos Start to Fall Which Side of the Coin is What You See? World Leaders At Gizeh in 2000 A Higher Agenda Which Involves Us As Souls A Planetary Update More on Draconian Activities With Human Children An Update on Benevolent ET's on Earth More on the Sirians When the Andromedans Arrive and the Prime Directive Parallel Earth Reality Systems and Implosion The Union of American Republics Intelligence Agencies Living in a Synthetic Reality Creation of Probable Reality Streams Special Children Now Being Born on Earth Helping the Teens of Today Thoughts on Upcoming Earth Changes The Andromedan Concept of the Creator http://www.andromedaninsights.com/dsg1/contents.html (2 of 4) [9/18/2000 6:38:58 PM]
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