Ania - W spodniach czy w sukience (2008), [PL][ Ania DÄ…browska ], Ania - W spodniach czy w sukience (2008) |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] Ania - W spodniach czy w sukience? (2008)Pop | Label: Sony Music/BMG | MPC@Q10 | 98MBAnia D�browska (aka Ania) is a popular Polish singer known for her beautiful calm voice and the hit singles �Tego chcia�am� (I wanted this) and �Glory� .Her career started for good only after her successful partipation in �Idol�, the Polish offshoot of the popular talent TV-show for young singers �Pop Idol�, which she - importantly - did not win. �Samotno�� po zmierzchu� (Loneliness after dusk), her first solo album, has sold in large numbers, with some of the singles, e.g. �Charlie, Charlie�, turning into major radio hit. In 2006, she released �Kilka historii na ten sam temat� (Couple stories on the same subject), her second album, for which she subtely sharpened her image - now more feminine, mature and strongly stylised, but did rather little to change her music - still nostalgic, gentle, with simple melodies. It produced one major hit, �Trudno mi sie przyzna� (It�s hard for me to admit), and has been selling, together with Ania�s cozy concerts, very well.Ania composes and writes lyrics for herself. Also, she has been said to venture into production and technical recording.Tracklist:1 Turu Tu Tu... (3:40)2 Smutek Mam We Krwi (3:31)3 W Spodniach Czy W Sukience? (5:18)4 Nigdy Wi�cej Nie Ta�cz Ze Mn� (2:58)5 Znowu Przysz�o Lato (3:38)6 P�ki Starczy Mi Si� (5:01)7 Bardzo Lubi� Opowiadania O Mi�o�ci (2:48)8 Jeste� Jak Sen O Spadaniu (3:08)9 Ci�gle Myl� Ci� Z Nim (5:05)10 Zmieniaj Mnie Gdy Chcesz (4:22)
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