Android Advisor Issue 14 2015, Android |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->LATEST SMARTPHONE, TABLET AND APP REVIEWSISSUEANDROIDADVISORANDROID MNEWNEXUSPHONEPLUS14Coming soon from GoogleLG G4 - is this the best newphone of 2015?Welcome...It's that time of year again when Google lets usknow exactly what it's got in store for Android.Google I/O was scheduled to run just after wewent to press with this issue, and on the followingpages we examine exactly what we should expect.It's more than likely we'll get a first glimpse at theforthcoming Android M OS (page 15), and althoughit may be too early for I/O we're already hearingrumours of a new Nexus phone for 2015 (page 9).But as well as looking at what's to come, we'recelebrating what we've already got. We had bighopes for the finally announced LG G4, but is itanother flagship killer? Find out on page 58.When you're at home you probably switch toa Wi-Fi- rather than mobile connection for gettingonline on your Android phone or tablet. It really bugsus that in order to get Wi-Fi we also have to pay for aphone line we never use. But do we? We investigatethe alternatives to ADSL on page 26.If you are using a mobile connection, andparticularly a 4G connection, you might bewondering about those advertised high speeds.It's fast, sure, but there's an important di erencebetween 4G and LTE. If you're not getting thespeeds you expect we explain why not on page 39.As always, we hope you’ve enjoyed this issue ofAndroid Advisor. Feel free to send us your feedbackviafacebook.com/AndroidAdvisorUKor emailmarie_brewis@idg.co.uk.2 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 14GOOGLE I/O:What to expectGoogle's annual conference runs at the end of May.What will the Android maker bring to the table in 2015?Google I/O will be held at Moscone WestConvention Center in San Francisco from28- to 29 May. We take a look at what toexpect from Google in 2015 including Android M,Google Glass 2.0, Project Ara and more.Android MOne of the most obvious things to expect this yearfrom Google is a new version of Android. Followingthe alphabetical list of sweet deserts, this version willbegin with the letter M (place your bets for the namenow). Don't be expecting a big new version, though:ISSUE 14 • ANDROID ADVISOR 3Android M is likely to be 5.1 and bring along newfeatures and tweaks. After all, 5.0 Lollipop was thebig overhaul with the Material Design.As to when Android M will arrive is unclear, butit's likely to be during the summer and in the secondhalf of the year. The first time we're likely to hearabout it from Google is at Google I/O.Google Glass 2.0Whether or not you think Google Glass is a passingfad, we could well see a new version this year.Google closed the Explorer Program on 19 January4 ANDROID ADVISOR • ISSUE 14so you can no longer purchase the Explorer Edition,but that's not the end of the wearable gadget.Google has confirmed that it is "continuing to buildfor the future, and you’ll start to see future versionsof Glass when they’re ready". According to the WallStreet Journal, we'll see a new version this year thatwill use an Intel chip. And at Google I/O we could getsome more details.Google Glass was first introduced at Google I/O,so this year's conference seems like the perfect timeand place to unveil the new version – even if it is in aprototype stage of development.Android Silver/NexusA grey area is Android Silver, which is Google'ssupposed scheme for creating Android devicesunder a set of requirements, a bit like Ultrabooks.This would mean any manufacturing partner to makea smartphone or tablet within the rules would get theAndroid Silver branding. Google has not confirmedplans for this and recent reports claim it's beenscrapped due to a lack of interest from partners.It's also unclear whether Android Silver willreplace the Nexus range of devices. That Google willISSUE 14 • ANDROID ADVISOR 5
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