American Philatelic Society 2015 Vol.129.10, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->AMERICANPHILATELISTTHEOCTOBER 2015$4.95MONTHLY JOURNAL OF THE AMERICANPHILATELICSOCIETYCANPHILAPHILATELICNORTH VIETNAMPOSTAL HISTORYArtifacts From the Other Side of the Vietnam War: 1960–1975PLUSYoung PhilatelicLeaders FellowshipProgram Adds ThreeThe King of Stamp EssaysWWalter WeberWHonored for HisContribution to The APSIngrid Bergman onU.S.-Sweden Joint IssuePrincipality ofLiechtenstein StampsCameroun’sPoste Auto RuraleThe 1952 4-H ClubsCommemorative StampAMERICA’S STAMP CLUBWWW.STAMPS.ORGAMERICANPHILATELISTTHEOCTOBER 2015 • VOLUME 129 • NO. 10 • WHOLE NO. 1,377940928MAIL AMIDST THE BATTLEFIELDBY DANIEL M. TELEP4-H STAMP QUICK AND EASYBY CHARLES M. POSNERDestruction Rules for CombatantsFighting U.S. in VietnamRelics are uncommon because standing orders amongViet Cong and North Vietnamese were to destroycovers and contents soon after delivery.Artist offered just one design for the 1952 stamphonoring rural America’s premier youth group.It’s the latest in Posner’s series on stamps fromthe 1950s through the 1980s.950WWII MEANT RATIONING THE GOODSBY DOUGLAS K. LEHMANN958CAMEROUN’S POSTE AUTO RURALEBY M.P. BRATZEL JR.To ensure material for military supplies, consumerproducts were administered and divvied up through tiny— sometimes dreaded and confusing — ration stamps.Post offices on wheels served rural communitiesStamps and covers show how the small African nationoffered postal services to its rural population startingin 1973. At least 13 different routes and 15 postmarkswere used through 1995.AMERICANPHILATELISTTHESince 1887 — The Premier Philatelic Magazine in the NationJay Bigalke • Editorjbigalke@stamps.orglettertotheeditor@stamps.orgaparticle@stamps.orgJeff StageEditorial Associatejstage@stamps.org898 AMERICAN PHILATELIST /OCTOBER 2015Doris WilsonEditorial Associatedoris@stamps.orgHelen Bruno • Advertising Managerhlbruno@stamps.orgadsales@stamps.orgThe American Philatelist(ISSN 0003-0473) is published monthlyby the American Philatelic Society, Inc., 100 Match Factory Place,Bellefonte, PA 16823.Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA 16823 and at addi-tional mailing office. Price per copy $4.95. Canadian DistributionAgreement Number 40030959.Opinions expressed in articles in this magazine are those of thewriters and are not necessarily endorsed by the Society and/or themagazine.The American Philatelistcannot be responsible for theaccuracy of any information printed herein.Postmaster: Send address changes to:The American Philatelist100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823.©2015, The American Philatelic Society, Inc.FEATURED COLUMNSTURED COLUMDEPARTMENTS2015 New StampsAdvertisers OnlineClassifiedsHow I Becamea Stamp CollectorIndex of AdvertisersInside Philately986974983902975904906980968916900962972922992924COLLECTING COAST TO COASTBY WAYNE L. YOUNGBLOODLetters to the EditorMembership ReportOur StoryPhilatelic HappeningsPresident’s ColumnSales TalkShow TimeWorld Stamp Show-NY 2016WORLDWIDE IN A NUTSHELLBY BOB LAMBKing of Stamp EssaysAttached Rarities to LetterA set of rare U.S. specimens wound up with alocal club whose leader had written to a leaderin collecting items of pre-stamp production.Principality of LiechtensteinThis tiny nation of 62 square miles nickedout of the old Holy Roman Empire beganits postal system in 1817 and before 1912used stamps from Austria.964YPLF WELCOMES THREEBY JEFF STAGEThe American Philatelic Societynames three new young people toits Young Philatelic LeadersFellowship program. Sponsorshelp fund the YPFL, which offersmentorship, training, andfellowship in the hobby.American Philatelic Society • American Philatelic Research Library100 Match Factory Place • Bellefonte, PA 16823 • Phone: 814-933-3803 • Fax: 814-933-6128www.stamps.org • www.stamplibrary.orgExecutive DirectorScott English, ext. 219scott@stamps.orgChief Operating OfficerKen Martin, ext. 218kpmartin@stamps.orgGeneral Informationapsinfo@stamps.orgCircuit SalesThomas W. Horn, ext. 227twhorn@stamps.orgEducation/YouthJanet Houser, ext. 238jehouser@stamps.orgExpertizing/Quick IDMercer Bristow, ext. 205mercer@stamps.orgFinanceRick Banks, ext. 216rbanks@stamps.orgInternet SalesWendy Masorti, ext. 270StampStore@stamps.orgLibrary/Information ServicesTara Murray, ext. 246tmurray@stamps.orgMembershipJudy Johnson, ext. 210judy@stamps.orgAddress Changes:requests@stamps.orgShows and ExhibitionsMegan Orient, ext. 207meganorient@stamps.orgShow Time Listings:showtime@stamps.orgWebsite/Information TechnologyWendy Masorti, ext. 270wendy@stamps.orgThe American PhilatelistJay Bigalke, ext. 221jbigalke@stamps.orgArticles: aparticle@stamps.orgLetters to the Editor:lettertotheeditor@stamps.orgAdvertising Information:Helen Bruno, ext. 224adsales@stamps.orgEditorial Associates:Jeff Stage, ext. 222jstage@stamps.orgDoris Wilson, ext. 223doris@stamps.orgOCTOBER 2015/ AMERICAN PHILATELIST 899
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