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[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] FULL PAPER Highly Diastereoselective and Enantioselective Preparation of Homoallylic Amines: Application for the Synthesis of b-Amino Acids and g-Lactams P. Veeraraghavan Ramachandran* and Thomas E. Burghardt [a] Dedicated to Professor Ei-ichi Negishi on the occasion of his 70th birthday Abstract: Reactions of N-silyl- and N- aluminoimines with B-allyldiisopino- campheylborane in the presence of methanol, followed by oxidative workup furnished homoallylic amines in good yields and high ee .A 11 B NMR spectroscopy study revealed that the reactions do not proceed, even at room temperature, unless a molar equivalent of water or methanol is added. The first reagent-controlled asymmetric crotylboration and alkoxyallylboration of aldimines furnishing b-methyl or b- alkoxy homoallylic amines in very high diastereoselectivity and enantioselec- tivity are reported herein. Crotylbora- tion and alkoxyallylboration of imines proceed only with the “allyl”-boron “ate” complexes, instead of the “allyl”- dialkylboron reagents used with alde- hydes. The addition of methanol is nec- essary for these reactions as well. Ap- plication of this methodology for the conversion of representative nitriles to b-amino acids in two steps has been de- scribed. Additionally, a procedure for the preparation of chiral d-amino alco- hols and g-lactams from nitriles is also reported. Keywords: allylic compounds · amines · asymmetric synthesis · boranes · imines Introduction sulfiniyl, [4] N-sulfonyl, [5] N-trialkylsilyl, [6] oximes, [7] and vari- ous N-metalloimines. [8] N-silylimines have been first pre- pared by Rochow and co-workers by reacting aromatic alde- hyde with lithium bis(trimethylsilyl)amide. [9] Reactions of such imines with organometallic reagents for the prepara- tion of homoallylic amines was first reported by Hart and co-workers. [10] Enolizable N-silylimines are not stable, but were characterized at very low temperatures ( 1008C). [11] Their preparation and in situ trapping at low temperatures furnished only low yields of the synthesized b-lactam prod- ucts. [12] This inefficiency of N-silylimines, however, could be alleviated by the use of N-aluminoimines, which were first prepared by Cainelli and co-workers by partial reduction of nitriles with diisobutylaluminum hydride (DIBAL-H). [13] Among the advantages of N-aluminoimines are the ready availability or ease of preparation of the starting nitriles, ease of the imine formation, and relatively high stability of both aromatic and aliphatic imines, even at room tempera- ture. Due to the above advantages of N-aluminoimines and our ongoing interest in organoaluminum chemistry, [14] they became a very interesting substrate for our investigation. In spite of aldimines being very attractive starting materi- als for syntheses, the inherent instability of unsubstituted al- dimines and the lack of reactivity of the more stable N-sub- stituted ones significantly limit their use. [15] Furthermore, at- Preparation of optically pure homoallylic amines is an im- portant task in organic synthesis. Such amines are excellent building blocks for the synthesis of a plethora of nitrogen- containing natural products. [1] Owing to the importance of homoallylic amines, there are abundant literature reports for their preparation using a wide variety of methods. [1d,2] Diastereoselective addition of allyl organometallic com- pounds to N-substituted imines is a widely recognized proce- dure for the preparation of homoallylic amines. [3] While the use of substrate-controlled asymmetric additions is a common procedure, the use of reagent control still remains undeveloped. [3] Numerous N-substituted imines have been developed and applied for the syntheses of a variety of mol- ecules, such as amino acids, b-lactams, heterocycles, aziri- dines, alkaloids, and amines. [3] These aldimines include N- [a] Prof. P. V. Ramachandran, T. E. Burghardt Herbert C. Brown Center for Borane Research Department of Chemistry, Purdue University 560 Oval Dr., West Lafayette, IN 47907-2084 (USA) Fax: (+1)765-494-0239 E-mail: chandran@purdue.edu Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under http://www.chemeurj.org/ or from the author. Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11 , 4387 –4395 DOI: 10.1002/chem.200401295 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4387 tempted 1,2-additions to aldimines quite often fail due to the tendency of enolizable compounds to undergo deproto- nation instead of addition. [3e] Among the developments in allylations of aldimines, organoboron compounds have found synthetic utility due to the Lewis acidity of boron, which coordinates to nitrogen and improves the electrophi- licity of the aldimine. Allylborations and crotylborations of a-optically pure N-substituted aldimines in high diastereose- lectivity due to the sterically influenced chirality according to the Cram rules, using B-“allyl”-9-BBN, was described by Yamamoto and co-workers. [16] Reactions of arylimines, oximes and oxime ethers with allyl and crotylboronates were reported to proceed in moderate to good diastereose- lectivity. [7] However, use of N-borylimine containing a chiral auxiliary, followed by the addition of alkyllithium reagents gave only poor enantioselectivity. [17] Asymmetric allylboration, crotylboration, and alkoxyallyl- boration of aldehydes with reagents I–IV derived from a- pinene [18] (Figure 1) are well documented and widely used in organic syntheses. [19] In spite of a few reports regarding chiral allylboration of N-masked imines, [20] reactions of these and other boron-based chiral reagents with imines to form homoallylic amines remain significantly underdevel- oped. Itsuno and co-workers had reported the preparation of assorted homoallylic amines in moderate to good enantio- selectivities from various N-protected imines, such as N- oxime ethers, N-sulfenimines, and N-trimethylsilylimines, by using chiral allylboranes derived from tartrate esters, diols, a-amino alcohols, and a-pinene. [20] They concluded that N- trimethylsilylimines are the most reactive species for such allylations. During our work on the applications of a- pinene-based “allyl”-borating reagents we always obtained homoallylic alcohols in very high ee during the allylboration of aldehydes. [19] However, the enantioselectivity reported for the allylboration of N-trimethylsilylbenzaldimine (1a) with I, complete within 3 h, was only a moderate 73%. [20a] Since the rate of allylboration of aldehydes with I was established as exceptionally fast at 788C, and fast even at 1008C, [21] it appeared desirable to obtain comparable information about the allylboration of imines. The low ee value and the slow rate of the reaction prompted us to undertake a project involving “allyl”-boration of N-substituted aldimines. The preliminary results were reported earlier. [22] Crotylboration and alkoxyallylboration of N-silyl- or N- aluminoimines for the preparation of densely functionalized homoallylic amines have never been reported. In this paper, we describe the results of our investigations on the “allyl”- boration of N-silyl- and N-aluminoimines. Results and Discussion Allylboration of N-silylimines: N-Trimethylsilylbenzaldimine (1a) was mixed with ( )-B-allyldiisopinocampheylborane (I)at 788C in THF and the reaction was monitored with 11 B NMR spectroscopy. The spectrum of an aliquot revealed only unchanged starting materials, even after several hours at room temperature. This was a surprise since allylboration of aldehydes with I was previously established as an ex- tremely fast reaction [21] and the previous report [20a] claimed that the reaction was complete within 3 h. However, the de- sired amine 2a was obtained in good yield after aqueous workup, which was very exothermic. We rationalized that the reaction must have taken place during the workup when the addition of water resulted in the liberation of the “naked” aldimine intermediate, which rapidly reacted with I. We were not able to identify this intermediate spectro- scopically, presumably due to the extremely fast rate of the allylboration. [21] Consequently, 1a was mixed with I at 788C in THF and upon dropwise addition of 1 equivof water dissolved in THF to the reaction mixture and workup provided 2ain 90% yield and 92% ee , which was considera- bly better than 70% yield and 73% ee previously reported (Scheme 1). [20a] Lowering the reaction temperature to 1008C increased the chiral induction to 94% ee . Scheme 1. Allylboration of N-silylimines: a) I, THF; 100 or 788C; b) 1a–e;c)H 2 O; 1h, 100 or 788C; d) NaOH, H 2 O 2 ; 788C ! RT. Thp = thiophene. After we had standardized the reaction conditions, we ex- amined the allylboration of other N-silylimines prepared from aromatic aldehydes, namely 2-thienyltrimethylsilyli- mine (1b), 4-methoxybenzaldimine (1c), 2-chlorobenzaldi- mine (1d), and 2-furfuraldimine (1e) (Scheme 1). The above N-silylaldimines upon reaction with I in the presence of 1 equivof water, followed by workup furnished the ex- pected homoallylic amines 2b–e in good yields and high enantioselectivity (Table 1). The yields and enantioselectivi- ties of 2band c were considerably better than previously re- ported. [20a] We thus established that N-silylimines were not reactive toward I unless a molar equivalent of water was added to the reaction mixture. [22] Later studies revealed that methanol could replace water. [23] Figure 1. a-Pinene-based reagents for asymmetric allylboration. Crotylboration of N-silylimines: Crotylboration of aldehydes with II and III [18c] is a well-known and highly utilized proce- dure for the syntheses of numerous complex natural prod- ucts. [19,24] However, crotylboration of N-substituted imines 4388 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11 , 4387 – 4395 Homoallylic Amines FULL PAPER Table 1. Allylboration of N-silylimines. Entry Imine T [8C] Homoallylic amine R Yield [%] [a] ee [%] [b] 1 1a Ph 78 2a 90 92 1 1a Ph 100 2a 87 94 2 1b 2-Thp 78 2b 72 81 3 1c 4-MeO-(C 6 H 4 ) 78 2c 74 92 4 1d 2-Cl-(C 6 H 4 ) 78 2d 69 82 5 1e 2-furyl 78 2e 86 86 [a] All yields are of pure isolated products. [b] Enantiomeric excess was determined with HPLC using Chiracel OD-H column and hexanes/isopropanol as the mobile phase. amine 3ain 78% yield, 92% ee and 96% de . The reaction of VI with 1a, after the addition of methanol was also complete within 3 h and alkaline oxida- tive workup, followed by purifi- cation provided the amine 4ain 76% yield, 90% ee , and 98% de (Scheme 2). with these reagents has never been reported. Unlike I, which can be prepared and stored for short periods of time, the reagents II and III are made fresh and used immediate- ly. [18c] The treatment of cis -or trans -butene with Schlossers base (equimolar mixture of butyllithium and potassium tert - butoxide) at 558C furnishes the crotyl anion. [25] Reaction of this anion with B -methoxydiisopinocampheylborane fur- nishes the corresponding boron “ate” complex (V or VI). In the crotylboration of aldehydes, this “ate” complex is broken by the addition of 1.3 equivBF 3 ·OEt 2 to generate trialkylborane reagents II or III (Figure 2). [18c,26] However, we found that addition of BF 3 ·OEt 2 had detrimental effect on crotylboration of N-silylaldimines and multiple unidenti- fied products were obtained. Indeed, a blank experiment, in which 1a was mixed with methanol and BF 3 ·OEt 2 showed immediate degradation of 1a (based on a 1 H NMR analysis of an aliquot). Therefore, we resorted to crotylboration of the aldimines with the “ate” complexes V and VI (Figure 2). Scheme 2. Crotylboration of N-silylimines. Alkoxyallylboration of N-silylimines: Alkoxyallylboration of aldehydes with IV [18d] has found many applications in organ- ic syntheses. [19,28] However, there are no literature reports regarding alkoxyallylboration of imines for the preparation of b-alkoxy homoallylic amines. Similar to the reagents II and III, alkoxyallylboration reagent IV is prepared freshly before reaction. Treatment of allyl ether with sec -butyllithi- um furnishes the ( Z )-allylic anion due to the coordination between the oxygen and lithium. [18d] The allylic anion reacts with B -methoxydiisopinocampheylborane to give the corre- sponding boron “ate” complex VII, which upon the addition of BF 3 ·OEt 2 gives the reagent IV (Figure 3). [18d] However, again, as in the case of crotylboration of N-silylimines, the reactions were not compatible with BF 3 ·OEt 2 and the “ate” complex VII was used for alkoxyallylboration. Figure 2. Preparation of reagents for asymmetric crotylboration. Ipc = isopinocampheyl. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of crotylboration with “ate” complexes V or VI. We had re- cently reported similar alkoxyallylboration of fluoral with “ate” complex VII. [27] We do not know the exact mechanism of the crotylboration with the “ate” complex. The 11 B NMR spectrum of the reaction mixture containing 1a and V showed a peak at d 4, corresponding to the “ate” com- plex [18c] and in 1 H NMR spectrum there was a peak at d 9.0, corresponding to the unreacted N-silylimine. Upon addition of methanol, we observed an exothermic reaction and 11 B NMR spectrum of an aliquot showed the formation of a broad peak at d 48 and disappearance of the peak at d 4. Additionally, we observed the disappearance of the peak at d 9.0 in the crude 1 H NMR spectrum. We are currently in- vestigating the mechanism in detail. The reaction was complete within 3 h and alkaline oxida- tive workup provided the expected b-methyl homoallylic Figure 3. Preparation of alkoxyallylborane reagents. Our experience in alkoxyallylboration revealed that the best results were obtained with 3-[(2-methoxyethoxy)me- thoxy]prop-1-ene (allyl-OMEM; R = CH 2 OCH 2 CH 2 OCH 3 ) due to the ease of hydrolysis of the MEM group. [28a] Accord- ingly, this reagent was evaluated for the preparation of the b-alkoxy homoallylic amine. Thus, when 1a and VII were mixed in THF at 788C, followed by the addition of 1 equiv methanol, upon completion of the reaction (3 h, monitored with 11 B NMR spectroscopy), oxidative workup furnished Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11 , 4387 –4395 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4389 P. V. Ramachandran and T. E. Burghardt at 788C (Scheme 4; Table 2, entry 1). [29] Thus, we con- firmed that methanol is a critical additive in the allylbora- tion of N-aluminoimines as well. This finding and the spec- trometric data support the postulated mechanism (Figure 4). Scheme 3. Alkoxyallylboration of N-silylimines. the expected amine 5a in 65% yield, 95% ee , and 98% de (Scheme 3). Given the ease of preparation of N-aluminoimines and the possibility of the use of enolizable imines as the starting materials, we chose to use the N-aluminoimines rather than N-silylimines for an expanded study of crotylboration and alkoxyallylboration (see below). Scheme 4. Allylboration of N-aluminoimines: a) DIBAL-H; Et 2 O, 1 h, 08C. b) 1) 4a–c, f–i added to I,Et 2 O, 100 ! 558C; 2) MeOH; 3 h, 100 ! 558C; 3) NaOH, H 2 O 2 ; 788C ! RT. Allylboration of N-aluminoimines: Although we obtained good results from the reaction of the N-silylaldimines with I after the addition of water, we could not extend the reaction to the preparation of aliphatic homoallylic amines. We envis- aged that the use of N-alumi- noimines could alleviate this issue as the stability of the N- aluminoimines is considerably higher. [13] Itsuno and co-work- ers have reported the allylbora- tion of N-aluminoimines. [29] However, the importance of methanol or water is not recog- nized in their account. More- over, the yields of the amine products were low and the % ee were inconsistent with the reaction temperature. For ex- ample, N-aluminobenzaldimine 7a provided the homoallylic amine 2a in 59% yield and 33% ee at 788C and 67% yield and 69% ee at 258C. [29] This suggested that the reac- tion could be taking place during the workup. We speculated that the addition of methanol or water might be equally im- portant in the allylboration of N-aluminoimines as well. Partial reduction of benzonitrile (6a) with DIBAL-H in Et 2 Oat08C furnished the corresponding N-aluminoimine 7a, which was added to a solution of I in Et 2 O/pentane at 1008C. After several hours, the 11 B NMR spectrum of an aliquot revealed a peak at d 78 corresponding to unchanged I and 1 H NMR showed the presence of unreacted N-alumi- noimine (d 9.0), supporting our intuition. Again, addition of methanol initiated an exothermic reaction and within mi- nutes the 11 B NMR spectrum of an aliquot showed a peak at d 47, corresponding to an amino dialkylborane species, [30] while the d 9.0 peak observed in 1 H NMR disappeared. Upon completion of the reaction (within 3 h, based on 11 B NMR analysis), oxidative workup furnished the expected amine 2a in 90% yield and 88% ee , which is considerably better than the 59% yield and 33% ee reported previously Table 2. Allylboration of N-aluminoimines. Entry N-Aluminoimine T [8C] Homoallylic amine R Yield [%] [a] ee [%] [b] 1 7a Ph 100 2a 90 (87) [c] 88 (94) [c] 2 7b 2-Thp 78 2b 74 (72) [c] 81 (81) [c] 91 (92) [c] 4 7f 4-NO 2 -(C 6 H 4 ) 100 2f 85 86 4 7g C 6 F 5 78 2g 61 79 6 7h n Bu 100 2h 12 78 [d] 7 7h n Bu 55 2h 65 60 [d] 8 7i Chx 100 2i 16 89 [d] 9 7i Chx 55 2i 62 68 [d] [a] All yields are of pure isolated products. [b] Enantiomeric excess was determined with HPLC using Chiracel OD-H column and hexanes/isopropanol as the mobile phase. [c] The values in parentheses are for the amines obtained from N-silylimines 1a–c. [d] Enantiomeric excess determined by 19 F NMR spectroscopy after conver- sion to Mosher amides; results were confirmed using HPLC analysis. 7c 4-MeO-(C 6 H 4 ) 100 2c 89 (74) [c] Figure 4. Tentative mechanism for the allylboration of N-aluminoimines. We believe that the allylboration of imines proceeds anal- ogous to the allylboration of aldehydes, via a six-membered chair-like transition state with the stereochemical outcome determined by the isopinocampheyl auxiliary (Fig- ure 5). [18a,31] In the cases of the crotylboration, there are eight possible transition states, four of which will be pre- dominant, depending on the geometry of the isopinocam- pheyl group and the butene used. [32] Comparing the optical rotation values of the obtained amine 2a with those report- 4390 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH&Co. KGaA, Weinheim Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11 , 4387 – 4395 3 Homoallylic Amines FULL PAPER Figure 5. Transition states in allylboration of aldimines. Imine 7a, obtained from benzonitrile (6a), was thus treat- ed with V or VI in THF at 788C and after the addition of 1 equivof methanol, followed by the workup provided the expected amines 3a and 4a, respectively, in good yields and very high de and ee , similar to the results established from the reaction of 1a with V and VI (Scheme 5; Table 4, en- tries 1 and 5). Crotylboration of another aromatic substrate, N-alumino-2-thiophenecarbaldimine (7b) proceeded smoothly in THF furnishing the desired products 3b and 4b (Scheme 5; Table 4, entries 2 and 6). Unfortunately, aliphatic imines 7h–i did not react so readily at 788C in THF and gave only marginal yields of the desired amines along with several unidentified degradation products. Unlike the reac- tions of 7h–i with I, increasing the reaction temperature to 558C did not improve the yields. Attempted use of catalyt- ic In(OTf) 3 or use of a bulky proton source or water as the additive did not augment the yield, either. Propitiously, ex- amination of various solvents revealed that the reaction pro- ceeded satisfactorily at 788C when pentane was used as the solvent for both the preparation of imine 7iand the cro- tylboration and the homoallylic amine 3i was obtained in 74% yield and > 98% diastereoselectivity (Table 3). ed in the literature, [33] we assigned its configuration as S .We assigned the configuration of other homoallylic amines based on this analogy as well as on the basis of the configu- ration of several amino acids prepared from these amines (see below). Configuration of the obtained homoallylic amine supports the mechanism and the postulated transition states. After we had obtained the homoallylic amine 2a in high ee from benzonitrile (6a) via N-aluminoaldimine 7a,we turned our attention to other classes of nitriles: heteroaro- matic (2-thiophenecarbonitrile: 6b), electron-donating (4- methoxybenzonitrile: 6c), electron-withdrawing (4-nitroben- zonitrile: 6f), and perfluorinated (pentafluorobenzonitrile: 6g). Additionally, we extended the reaction to aliphatic ni- triles (valeronitrile: 6h and cyclohexanecarbonitrile: 6i) (Scheme 4). Thus, treatment of 6a–c and 6f–i with 1 equiv of DIBAL-H furnished the desired N-aluminoimines 7a–c and 7f–i, which were transferred to a cooled solution of 1.2 equivof I, followed by the addition of 1 equivof metha- nol (Scheme 4). Allylborations of the aromatic substrates 7a–c and 7f–g were facile and upon oxidative workup, the corresponding homoallylic amines 2a–c and 2f–g were ob- tained in 61–90% yield and 86–91% ee (as determined by HPLC analysis; Table 2; entries 1–5). To our dismay, ali- phatic substrates 7h–i did not provide such good results and amines 2h–i were obtained only in very poor yields (12– 16%) at 1008C, while the enantioselectivity remained good (Table 1, entries 6, 8). Fortunately, reactions run at higher temperatures afforded better yields and we found that at 558C aliphatic homoallylic amines 2h–i were ob- tained in 62–65% yield and 60–79% ee (Scheme 4; Table 2, entries 7 and 9). Comparison of the yields, enantioselectivi- ties, and diastereoselectivities of the homoallylic amines ob- tained by allylboration of N-silyl- and N-aluminoimines re- vealed marginal advantage of the N-aluminoimines in terms of yields, while the N-silylimines furnished amines in slightly higher ee (Table 2). However, because of the ease of prepa- ration of the N-aluminoimines from the nitriles, we recom- mend utilization of this protocol for the preparation of ho- moallylic amines via allylboration. Table 3. Effects of temperature, Lewis acids, and solvents on crotylbora- tion of aliphatic imine 7iwith V. Solvent Lewis acid Additive T [8C] Yield [%] THF none MeOH 78 21 [a] THF none MeOH 55 32 [a] THF none H 2 O 78 38 [a] THF none t BuOH 78 ! 25 27 [a] THF In(OTf) 3 (0.1 equiv) MeOH 78 22 [a] Et 2 O none MeOH 78 30 [a] Et 2 O + pentane [b] none MeOH 78 35 [a] pentane + THF [c] none MeOH 78 38 [a] pentane none H 2 O 78 74 [a] Pure material was not obtained (50–90% purity by 1 H NMR; the im- purities were not identified). [b] A 1:1 mixture was used for the prepara- tion of 7i and crotylboration. [c] 7i was prepared in THF and pentane was used as the solvent for crotylboration. Hence, crotylboration of 7h–i with V and VI was carried out in pentane. After the addition of 1 equivof methanol and completion of the reaction (within 3 h, monitored by 11 B NMR spectroscopy), alkaline oxidative workup yielded b-methyl homoallylic amines 3h–i and 4h–i, respectively, in good yields (61–78%), excellent diastereoselectivities ( > 98%), and high enantioselectivities (79–89%) (Scheme 5; Table 4, entries 3–4, 7–8). Having understood that the alkoxyallylboration of N-sily- limine 1a required the “ate” complex VII to proceed; we evaluated this reaction on N-aluminoimines. Accordingly, 7a was mixed with VII, followed by the addition of 1 equivof methanol and the reaction was monitored with 11 B NMR spectroscopy. Upon completion (within 3 h, based on Crotylboration and alkoxyallylboration of N-aluminoimines: Once we had achieved satisfactory crotylboration and alkox- yallylboration of N-silylimine 1a with the “ate” complexes V–VII, we initiated a project involving the crotylboration of N-aluminoimines. Similar to the N-silylimines, the reactions proceeded only with V or VI. Repeating the blank experi- ment of mixing 7a with BF 3 ·OEt 2 and methanol furnished the same results as observed in the case of N-silylimine 1a. Chem. Eur. J. 2005, 11 , 4387 –4395 2005 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH& Co. KGaA, Weinheim 4391
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