American Survival Guide Doomsday - Spring 2015 USA, CZYTELNIA ZUPEŁNIE NOWA |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->FROM THE EDITORS OF AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDEDOOMSDAY • SPRINGU.S. $8.99 •DISPLAY UNTIL: 2/24/153171486 013198Engaged Media By BeckettBe Prepared! Get Informed!Throughout the years, there has been no short-age of information from official sources on howto stay prepared for and avoid natural andman-made disasters, specifically the atomicbomb. In the 1950s and early 1960s, the CivilDefense Department issued dozens of differ-ent brochures and pamphlets designed toeducate the population about this new andpotentially deadly threat. Shown here arenot only a bevy of atomic-era brochures,but additional doomsday brochuresregarding natural disasters.CONTENTS8EARTHQUAKEStaying Alive When the Earth Quakes13Stories of Survival: Gail Gase13Stories of Survival: Xian Chapman14The Great Alaskan Quake, 196415The New Madrid Earthquakes, 1811-1216Earthquake Survival Gear Guide18CHILL FACTORSurviving the Icy Grips of a Blizzard22Stories of Survival: Lauren Weinberg23Stories of Survival: Boyd Severson24The Great Blizzard of 199325The Schoolhouse Blizzard26Blizzard Survival Gear Guide28A PERFECT STORMSurviving the Terror of a Hurricane33The Saffir-Simpson Scale34Stories of Survival: Hurricane Andrew34Stories of Survival: Hurricane Mitch35Stoires of Survival: Hurricane Katrina36Hurricane Survival Gear Guide84TOXIC TERRORHow to Survive a Deadly Chemical Attack90Stories of Survival: Tokyo Subway Attack, 199591Stories of Survival: Halabja Massacre, 198892Chemical Attack Survival Gear Guide38MUSHROOM CLOUDSurviving a Nuclear Attack47The Atomic Bomb Over Hiroshima, 194548TORNADOESSurviving the Terror of the Twisters52Stories of Survival: Michael Naruta53Stories of Survival: Wilma Nelson54The Tri-State Tornado of 192555Joplin Tornado of 21156Tornado Survival Gear Guide94WAVES OF DEATHSurviving a Relentless Wall of Water: The Tsunami98Stories of Survival: Paul Landgraver99Stories of Survival: Maria Belon100Japanese Tsunami of 2011100Valdivia Tsunami of 1960102Tsunami Survival Gear Guide58FOUNTAINS OF FIRESurviving the Lava of a Volcano’s Eruption62Stories of Survival: The Moore Family63Stories of Survival: August Cyparis64Mount Saint Helens Eruption of 198065Mount Ontake Eruption of 201466Volcano Survival Gear Guide104PLANET KILLERSSurviving the Catastrophe of an Asteroid Impact108Asteroid Dangers, 1908-2029110BECOMING SELF-AWAREHow to Survive When the Machines Rise116CLOSE ENCOUNTERS68FLYING LEADSurviving an Active Shooter Senario71Stories of Survival: Shari Thornberg72Columbine High School, 199972Aurora, Colorado, Shooting, 2012How to Survive an Alien Invasion120Stories of Survival121Alien Invasion: Roswell, N.M., 1947122Alien Invasion Survival Gear Guide124THE INVISIBLE JOLT74GLOBAL SICKNESSHow to Survive a World-Wide Pandemic82Ebola Pandemic of 201483Ultimate Pandemic Survival KitSurviving the Devastation of an Electromagnetic Pulse129The Carrington Event, 1859129Starfish Prime, 1962130EMP Survival Gear GuideDEPARTMENTS2Preparation Literature6Editorial7Doomsday ClockDOOMSDAYFROM THE EDITORS OF AMERICAN SURVIVAL GUIDE“One of the illusions of life is thatthe present hour is not the critical,decisive hour. Write it on yourheart that every day is the best dayin the year. No man has learnedanything rightly, until he knowsthat every day is Doomsday.”—Ralph Waldo EmersonEDITORIALEditor-in-Chief:Ryan Lee PriceManaging Editor:Kari WindesSenior Creative Director:Eric KnaggArt Director:Jesse CaoCONTRIBUTORSTim Ralston, Larry Schwartz, Tori Tellem, Jeff ZurschmeideADVERTISINGGabe Frimmel- Ad Sales Director(714) 200-1930 - GFrimmel@Beckett.comCasey Clifford- Senior Account Executive(714) 312-6275Mark Pack- Senior Account Executive(714) 200-1939Gennifer Merriday- Ad Traffic CoordinatorDIRECT MARKETING GROUPJohn BartulinPaul CacaRyan Lauro(866) 866-5146 ext. 2746(866) 866-5146 ext. 4961(866) 866-5146 ext. 2756OPERATIONSGus Alonzo:Newsstand Sales ManagerCelia Merriday:Newsstand AnalystMohit Patel:Newsstand and Production AnalystAlberto Chavez:Senior Logistics & Facilities ManagerJohn Cabral:Creative Graphic DesignerEDITORIAL, PRODUCTION & SALES OFFICE22840 Savi Ranch Parkway, #200Yorba Linda, CA 92887Ph:(800) 332-3330Fax:(800) 249-7761www.americansurvivalguidemag.comwww.facebook.com/americansurvivalguidemagazinewww.facebook.com/eembybeckettDOOMSDAY © 2014 by Engaged Media by Beckett.All rights reserved. Reproduction of any material from thisissue in whole or in part is strictly prohibited.CUSTOMER SERVICEENGAGED MEDIA BY BECKETT4635 Mc Ewen Road. Dallas, TX 75244SINGLE COPY SALES(800) 764-6278(239) 653-0225 Foreign Inquiriessubscriptions@beckett.comcustomerservice@beckett.comBACK ISSUESwww.engagedmediamags.comBOOKS, MERCHANDISE, REPRINTS(239) 280-2380DEALER SALES(239) 280-2380NEW PRODUCTS OR TO CONTRIBUTEA STORY OR PHOTOrprice@beckett.comENGAGED MEDIA BY BECKETTPHOTO BY THINKSTOCKNick Singh:Executive DirectorVikas Malhotra:Vice PresidentErin Masercola:Editorial DirectorCOVER DESIGN:ERIC KNAGGPHOTOGRAPHY:THINKSTOCKThis magazine is purchased by the buyer with the understandingthat information presented is from various sources from which therecan be no warranty or responsibility by Engaged Media by Beckettas to the legality, completeness or technical accuracy.
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