American Philatelic Society 2014 Vol.128.04, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->$4.95April 2014Thank You!Volume 128 • No. 4 • Whole No. 1,359AP328The Swiss Flugspende of 1913; Mail-Carrying FlightsTo Benefit a Swiss Air Forceby George StrubleThe 1913 “Campaign for Aviation” to raise moneyfor a Swiss Air Force used the lure of air mail to encourage donations.April 2014338Die Wacht am Rein: Collecting & Researching GermanWorld War I Postal Historyby Nyle C. MondayA detailed overview of starting and building acollection of World War I German feldpost mail.344Remailing Postcards — Testing the Limits ofPostal Rulesby Allison CusickA short-lived and little-known fad from the early1900s, chain mail postcards, tested U.S. postal regulations.348On the Trail of New York Foreign Mailby Ted KapnickTaking a look at the complex array of carvedhandstamp cancellations to be found on outgoing foreign mail fromNew York City during the 1870s.352Harry St. John Philby, Philatelist and Father of a Spyby Mark SommerAn adventurer and intriguer himself, the father ofSoviet spy Kim Philby used stamps he collected in the Middle East tohelp support his family.355Donor Recognition Issue: Philately & PhilanthropyOur grateful thanks go out to all those whose gifts of money, in-kinddonations, and volunteered time and talents help keep the AmericanPhilatelic Society thriving.Since 1887 — The Premier Philatelic Magazine in the NationBarbara Boal • Editorbaboal@stamps.orglettertotheeditor@stamps.orgaparticle@stamps.orgBonny Farmer • Associate Editorbfarmer@stamps.org290 AMERICAN PHILATELIST /APRIL2014Doris WilsonPublic RelationsAssociateGraphics Designerdoris@stamps.orgThe American Philatelist(ISSN 0003-0473) is published monthlyby the American Philatelic Society, Inc., 100 Match Factory Place,Bellefonte, PA 16823.Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA 16823 and at addi-tional mailing office. Price per copy $4.95. Canadian DistributionAgreement Number 40030959.Opinions expressed in articles in this magazine are those of thewriters and are not necessarily endorsed by the Society and/or themagazine.The American Philatelistcannot be responsible for theaccuracy of any information printed herein.Postmaster: Send address changes to:The American Philatelist100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823.©2014, The American Philatelic Society, Inc.Helen Bruno • Advertising Managerhlbruno@stamps.orgadsales@stamps.orgThank YouAPS Membersfor your support!Featured Columns316Collecting Coast to Coast —Wayne L. YoungbloodA Treasure Hunter’s Guide to U.S. VarietiesA good eye and a good memoryare vital to recognizing little-known stamp varieties.408Worldwide in a Nutshell —Bob LambRepublic of ArgentinaLimited mail service began in Buenos Aires in 1765, butuniform postal service did not begin until 1854 long after independence.APS News ______________________________________________________________10 Ways To Be an APSAmbassadorAdvertisers OnlineClassifieds399394401Index of AdvertisersLetters to the EditorMembership ReportPresident’s Column392296398292The PulseSales TalkShow TimeU.S. New Issues379384388404American Philatelic Society • American Philatelic Research Library100 Match Factory Place • Bellefonte, PA 16823 • Phone: 814-933-3803 • Fax: 814-933-6128Executive DirectorKen Martin, ext. 218kpmartin@stamps.orgDirector of Internal OperationsRick Banks, ext. 216rbanks@stamps.orgDirector of Information Services/LibrarianTara Murray, ext. 246tmurray@stamps.orgManager of MembershipAdministrationJudy Johnson, ext. 210judy@stamps.orgAddress Changes:requests@stamps.orgDirector of EducationGretchen Moody, ext. 239gretchen@stamps.orgYoung Stamp Collectors ofAmerica —Janet Houser, ext. 238jehouser@stamps.orgDirector of ExpertizingMercer Bristow, ext. 205mercer@stamps.orgDirector of the Sales DivisionThomas W. Horn, ext. 227twhorn@stamps.orgDirector of Internet SalesRenee Gardner, ext. 270StampStore@stamps.orgDirector of Shows and ExhibitionsDana Guyer, ext. 207dana@stamps.orgBarb Johnson, ext. 217barbj@stamps.orgShow Time Listingsshowtime@stamps.orgWebmasterWendy Masorti, ext. 202wendy@stamps.orgThe American PhilatelistBarbara Boal, ext. 221baboal@stamps.orgBonny Farmer, ext 222Stay Connected to APSbfarmer@stamps.orgArticleswww.facebook.com/american.aparticle@stamps.orgphilatelic.societyLetters to the Editorwww.linkedin.com/company/lettertotheeditor@stamps.orgAmerican-Philatelic-SocietyAdvertising Information:http://blog.stamplibrary.orgHelen Bruno, ext. 224Twitter.c om/APS_Stampsadsales@stamps.orgTwitter.com/StamplibraryEditorial Production Manager,YouTube Videos— www.stamps.org/Doris Wilson, ext. 223Stamp-YouTube-Videosdoris@stamps.orgVisit the APS&APRL Online24 Hours a Day • 7 Days a Weekwww.stamps.org • www.stamplibrary.orgAPRIL2014/ AMERICAN PHILATELIST 291
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