American Philatelic Society 2013 Vol.127.07, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] $4.95 July 2013 Celebrate! AP Volume 127 • No. 7 • Whole No. 1,350 632 Pasteup Usage of Western Express Franks by James W. Milgram, M.D. Private western express companies commonly pasted an unused envelope with a printed express frank onto the sender’s stamped envelope to meet USPOD requirements. 646 Heligoland: Zanzibar, Birds, Romantics, Quantum Mechanics, and Atomic Bombs by Dietrich Schroeer A look at the postal history of this isolated island following its takeover by Germany in 1890. 652 e Story Behind an 1898 Picture Postcard from Danzig/Gdansk by Dr. Stanley R. Sandler A short postal history of a city variously claimed by both Germany and Poland and a postal memory of the Great Synagogue, destroyed in 1939. 656 e Rheumatologic Philatelist by Robert A. Greenwald, M.D. e relatively new medical specialty of rheumatology has a surprisingly large philatelic footprint. Featured Columns 626 Collecting Coast to Coast — Wayne L. Youngblood Precanceled Bicentennial Souvenir Sheets Although they are not yet listed in Scott, there is a rise in interest in mint condition Bureau precanceled Bicentennial souvenir sheets. 696 Worldwide in a Nutshell — Bob Lamb St. Kitts Although part of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis, the island has a separate postal administration with separate stamps. e American Philatelist (ISSN 0003-0473) is published monthly by the American Philatelic Society, Inc., 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823. Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA 16823 and at addi- tional mailing oce. Price per copy $4.95. Canadian Distribution Agreement Number 40030959. Opinions expressed in articles in this magazine are those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by the Society and/or the magazine. e American Philatelist cannot be responsible for the accuracy of any information printed herein. Postmaster: Send address changes to: e American Philatelist 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823. ©2013, e American Philatelic Society, Inc. Since 1887 — e Premier Philatelic Magazine in the Nation Barbara Boal • Editor baboal@stamps.org lettertotheeditor@stamps.org aparticle@stamps.org Doris Wilson Public Relations Associate Graphics Designer doris@stamps.org Helen Bruno • Advertising Manager hlbruno@stamps.org adsales@stamps.org Bonny Farmer • Associate Editor bfarmer@stamps.org 602 AMERICAN PHILATELIST / J ULY 2013  Milwaukee APS StampShow the nation’s largest annual postage stamp show August 8–11 Delta Center • Milwaukee • Wisconsin Pre-Show Activities APS News Advertisers Online August 6–7 APS On-the-Road Course Computers & Collecting 678 APRL Notes 668 Classieds 691 Index of Advertisers 680 Letters to the Editor 610 August 7 Stamp Shows Conference Hyatt Regency Milwaukee • 4 p.m.–9 p.m. Membership Report 688 President’s Column 604 e Pulse 665 Sales Talk 670 Show Time 674 U.S. New Issues 694 For more information on the show & pre-show activities, see page 607. American Philatelic Society • American Philatelic Research Library 100 Match Factory Place • Bellefonte, PA 16823 • Phone: 814-933-3803 • Fax: 814-933-6128 Executive Director Ken Martin, ext. 218 kpmartin@stamps.org Director of Internal Operations Rick Banks, ext. 216 rbanks@stamps.org Director of Information Services/ Librarian Tara Murray, ext. 246 tmurray@stamps.org Manager of Membership Administration Judy Johnson, ext. 210 judy@stamps.org Address Changes: requests@stamps.org Director of Education Gretchen Moody, ext. 239 gretchen@stamps.org Young Stamp Collectors of America — Janet Houser, ext. 238 jehouser@stamps.org Director of Expertizing Mercer Bristow, ext. 205 mercer@stamps.org Director of the Sales Division omas W. Horn, ext. 227 twhorn@stamps.org Director of Internet Sales Renee Gardner, ext. 270 StampStore@stamps.org Director of Shows and Exhibition s Dana Guyer, ext. 207 dana@stamps.org Barb Johnson, ext. 217 barbj@stamps.org Show Time Listings showtime@stamps.org Webmaster Wendy Masorti, ext. 202 wendy@stamps.org e American Philatelist Barbara Boal, ext. 221 baboal@stamps.org Bonny Farmer, ext 222 bfarmer@stamps.org Articles aparticle@stamps.org Letters to the Editor lettertotheeditor@stamps.org Advertising Information: Helen Bruno, ext. 224 adsales@stamps.org Editorial Production Manager, Doris Wilson, ext. 223 doris@stamps.org Stay Connected to APS www.facebook.com/american. philatelic.society www.linkedin.com/company/ American-Philatelic-Society http://blog.stamplibrary.org Twitter.com/APS_Stamps Twitter.com/Stamplibrary YouTube Videos — www.stamps.org/ Stamp-YouTube-Videos Visit the APS & APRL Online 24 Hours a Day • 7 Days a Week www.stamps.org • www.stamplibrary.org J ULY 2013 / AMERICAN PHILATELIST 603
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