American Philatelic Society 2010 Vol.124.07, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->$4.95July 2010SeeingStarsAPS Courses “On the Road”September 29–30, 2010 • Prior to SWhether you are a beginner, advanced collector, haveaspirations of becoming a dealer, or you already are a full-time dealer, this course is for you. Learn how to determinethe value of philatelic collectibles — from items already inyour collection to material that you’re interested in buying orselling.Clark is an American Philatelic Society instructor ofphilatelic marketplace, buying and selling on the Internet,and fakes/forgeries courses. He currently works for Microsoand has a side career as a philatelic dealer of better UnitedStates stamps.e Philatelic MarketplaceFees & Accommodationse cost for this course is $35for APS members; $50 for non-members. It is being underwrit-ten by the Philatelic Soiety ofLos Angeles, in memory of TobyTobias.eS2010 roomrate at the Hilton Los AngelesAirport Hotel is$85 per night.is special rate is availablefrom September 27, 2010 toOctober 6, 2010.Reservations may be made by calling thehotel directly at 310-410-4000, or you may use the Hilton’snationwide reservations number, 1-800-HILTONS. Whenyou call, you must mention the special SGroup Code,“FPC” (for Federation of Philatelic Clubs) to get the specialhotel rate.Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel • Los Angeles, Californiae Philatelic Marketplacewith Clark FrazierTestimonials from Former Students“Philatelic Marketplace was a good course with lots ofpractical information for me. I only wish we had more time.”“I learned a great deal and found out how much I stillhave to learn!”“Visuals and handouts superb!”Register Now!Date __________________ APS No. ____________First Name ____________________________________ Last name ________________________________________Address ________________________________________________________________________________________City ___________________________________________ State/Province ___________ ZIP code _______________E-mail __________________________________________ Daytime Phone _________________________________Person/number to call in case of emergency: _________________________________________________________________ 2-day registration — $35 APS member____ 2-day registration — $50 non-member$_________$_________SAVE $15 when you registerbefore September 8, 2010!Payment Method —Method of Payment:Check (Payable to APS)Visa or MasterCard number:VisaMasterCard__ __ __ __ • __ __ __ __ • __ __ __ __ •__ __ __ __Expiration date:__ __ •__ __V-Code: __ __ __Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________Register online at www.stamps.org or mail completed form to APS Seminar, 100 Match Factory Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823.For more information, phone 814-933-3810, fax 814-933-6128, or e-mail gretchen@stamps.org.Plan to Visitthe AmericanPhilatelic Center• Browse the thousandsof feet of book-filledshelves in the AmericanPhilatelic Library• Shop ‘til you drop inthe Sales Division &Donations Store• Explore the amazingarchive of stamp albumsin the APS ReferenceCollection• View the exhibits, meetthe staff & much more!APS Official Family–2010–2011–PresidentWade E. Saadi93 80th StreetBrooklyn, NY 11209wade@pencom.comNicholas A. Lombardi8605@comcast.netSteven J. Rodsjrod@aol.comDavid L. Straightdls@library.wustl.edu100 Match Factory PlaceBellefonte, PA 16823Steven Zwillinger804 Lamberton Dr.Silver Spring, MD 20902stevez@stamps.orgW. Danforth WalkerP.O. Box 99Lisbon, MD 21765danforthwalker@comcast.netKathryn J. Johnson100 Match Factory PlaceBellefonte, PA 16823KJ5217@aol.comJoann LenzP.O. Box 296Sterling Heights, MI 48311-0296joann@stampsjoann.netDenise L. StottsP.O. Box 690042Houston, TX 77269-0042stottsjd@swbell.netWayne YoungbloodP.O. Box 111Scandinavia, WI 54977youngblood@tds.netJanet Klug6854 Newtonsville RoadPleasant Plain, OH 45162tongajan@aol.comHugh Wood Inc.P.O. Box 414, Bowling Green StationNew York, NY 10274-0414Toll Free: 888-APS-6494Phone: 212-509-3777Fax: 212-509-4906insurance@stamps.orgEphraim W. Day2700 Lake AvenueCheverly, MD 20785-3038stamptheft@msn.comBoard of Vice PresidentsSecretaryHours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. • Eastern TimeTreasurerAmerican Philatelic SocietyAmerican Philatelic Research Library100 Match Factory Place • Bellefonte, PA 16823Phone: 814-933-3803 • Fax: 814-933-6128Executive DirectorKen Martin, ext. 218kpmartin@stamps.orgAssistant to the Executive DirectorBecky Magyar, ext. 204bmagyar@stamps.orgDirector of Internal OperationsRick Banks, ext. 216rbanks@stamps.orgInterim Director of Library ServicesEllen Peachey, ext. 241ellen@stamps.orgManager of Membership AdministrationJudy Johnson, ext. 210judy@stamps.orgAddress Changes: requests@stamps.orgDirector of EducationGretchen Moody, ext. 239gretchen@stamps.orgYoung Stamp Collectors of AmericaJanet Houser, ext. 238jehouser@stamps.orgDirector of ExpertizingMercer Bristow, ext. 205mercer@stamps.orgDirector of the Sales DivisionThomas W. Horn, ext. 227twhorn@stamps.orgDirector of Internet SalesRenee Gardner, ext. 270StampStore@stamps.orgDirector of Shows and ExhibitionsDana Guyer, ext. 207dana@stamps.orgBarb Johnson, ext. 217barbj@stamps.orgShow Time Listingsshowtime@stamps.orgThe American PhilatelistBarbara Boal, ext. 221baboal@stamps.orgArticlesaparticle@stamps.orgLetters to the Editorlettertotheeditor@stamps.orgAdvertising Information:Helen Bruno, ext. 224adsales@stamps.orgAssociate Graphics Designer, ext. 223Doris Wilsondoris@stamps.orgWebmasterWendy Masorti, ext. 202wendy@stamps.orgYouTube Videos— www.stamps.org/YouTubesCheck us out on Facebook—www.facebook.com, Search American-Philatelic-SocietyDirectors-at-LargeImmediate Past PresidentAPS Insurance PlanStamp Theft CommitteeTo receive periodic e-mail announcements from APS, make sure we have your currente-mail address and enter “apsnews@stamps.org” in your computer’s e-mail address book.602 AmericAn PhilAtelist /July2010Visit the APS & APRL online atwww.stamps.org • www.stamplibrary.org
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