American Philatelic Society 2012 Vol.126.10, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] $4.95 October 2012 CHESAPEAKE GOLD AP 7PMVNFt/Pt8IPMF/P 910 Chesapeake Gold: Baltimore’s Oyster Industry by Bob Coale Once the heart of a huge industry, the humble PZTUFSXPVMEGFBUVSFPOBOBTUPVOEJOHOVNCFSPGBEWFSUJTJOH DPWFSTUISPVHIPVUUIFOJOFUFFOUIDFOUVSZ 924 Telstar; A Philatelic History by Don Hillger, Gary Toth, and Sig Bette e communications satellite Telstar-1 made history when it was launched in 1962 and continues to inspire philatelic items. 932 Compound Interest Multi-Value Postal Stationery by Chad Neighbor Postally used compound stationery items can intrigue the postal historian for their reection of DIBOHJOHSBUFTBOETFSWJDFT 938 British Postal Stationery Cut-Outs and Early Stamp Dealer Mail by Michael Peach &NCPTTFEPSJNQSFTTFETUBNQTDBOCFDVU GSPNQPTUBMTUBUJPOFSZBOEVTFEMJLFBEIFTJWFTUBNQTJO(SFBU Britain and some other countries. Featured Column 984 Worldwide in a Nutshell — Bob Lamb Kingdom of Norway Once home to Viking raiders, by the 14th century Norway came under the control rst of Denmark and then Sweden before regaining its independence in 1905. e American Philatelist (ISSN 0003-0473) is published monthly CZUIF"NFSJDBO1IJMBUFMJD4PDJFUZ*OD.BUDI'BDUPSZ1MBDF Bellefonte, PA 16823. Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA 16823 and at addi- tional mailing oce. Price per copy $4.95. Canadian Distribution Agreement Number 40030959. Opinions expressed in articles in this magazine are those of the writers and are not necessarily endorsed by the Society and/or the magazine. e American Philatelist cannot be responsible for the accuracy of any information printed herein. Postmaster: Send address changes to: e American Philatelist .BUDI'BDUPSZ1MBDF#FMMFGPOUF1" ©2012, e American Philatelic Society, Inc. Since 1887 — e Premier Philatelic Magazine in the Nation Barbara Boal t&EJUPS baboal@stamps.org lettertotheeditor@stamps.org aparticle@stamps.org Bonny Farmer t"TTPDJBUF&EJUPS bfarmer@stamps.org Doris Wilson Associate Graphics Designer doris@stamps.org Helen Bruno t"EWFSUJTJOH.BOBHFS hlbruno@stamps.org adsales@stamps.org 890 AMERICAN PHILATELIST / O CTOBER 2012   "14/FXT Advertisers Online 966 APS StampStore 950 Classieds 978 Index of Advertisers 968 Letters to the Editor 898 Blue & Gray: Mail & the Civil War ćF4FWFOUI"OOVBM 1PTUBM)JTUPSZ4ZNQPTJVN sponsored by e American Philatelic Society American Philatelic Research Library Smithsonian National Postal Museum 64$MBTTJDT presented by the U.S. Philatelic Classics Society /PWFNCFSo American Philatelic Center #FMMFGPOUF1FOOTZMWBOJB Membership Report 974 President’s Column 892 e Pulse 948 Sales Talk 952 Show Time 962 U.S. New Issues 982 YPLF 2013 958 January 18–20, 2013 Louisville, Kentucky Kentucky International Convention Center "NFSJDBO1IJMBUFMJD4PDJFUZt"NFSJDBO1IJMBUFMJD3FTFBSDI-JCSBSZ .BUDI'BDUPSZ1MBDFt#FMMFGPOUF1"t1IPOFt'BY &YFDVUJWF%JSFDUPS Ken Martin, ext. 218 kpmartin@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPG*OUFSOBM0QFSBUJPOT Rick Banks, ext. 216 rbanks@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPG*OGPSNBUJPO4FSWJDFT -JCSBSJBO Tara Murray, ext. 246 tmurray@stamps.org .BOBHFSPG.FNCFSTIJQ "ENJOJTUSBUJPO Judy Johnson, ext. 210 judy@stamps.org Address Changes: requests@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPG&EVDBUJPO Gretchen Moody, ext. 239 gretchen@stamps.org Young Stamp Collectors of America — Janet Houser, ext. 238 jehouser@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPG&YQFSUJ[JOH Mercer Bristow, ext. 205 mercer@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPGUIF4BMFT%JWJTJPO omas W. Horn, ext. 227 twhorn@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPG*OUFSOFU4BMFT Renee Gardner, ext. 270 StampStore@stamps.org %JSFDUPSPG4IPXTBOE&YIJCJUJPO s Dana Guyer, ext. 207 dana@stamps.org Barb Johnson, ext. 217 barbj@stamps.org Show Time Listings showtime@stamps.org 8FCNBTUFS Wendy Masorti, ext. 202 wendy@stamps.org ćF"NFSJDBO1IJMBUFMJTU Barbara Boal, ext. 221 baboal@stamps.org Bonny Farmer, ext 222 bfarmer@stamps.org Articles aparticle@stamps.org Letters to the Editor lettertotheeditor@stamps.org Advertising Information: Helen Bruno, ext. 224 adsales@stamps.org Editorial Production Manager, Doris Wilson, ext. 223 doris@stamps.org Stay Connected to APS www.facebook.com/american. philatelic.society www.linkedin.com/company/ American-Philatelic-Society http://blog.stamplibrary.org Twitter.com/APS_Stamps Twitter.com/Stamplibrary :PV5VCF7JEFPT — www.stamps.org/ Stamp-YouTube-Videos 7JTJUUIF"14 & "13-0 nline )PVSTB%BZt%BZTB8FFL XXXTUBNQTPSHtXXXTUBNQMJCSBSZPSH O CTOBER 2012 / AMERICAN PHILATELIST 891 Â
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