American Philatelic Society 2010 Vol.124.02, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->$4.95February 2010American IndiansAPS AmeriStAmPexPoRiverside Convention CenterRiverside, CaliforniaFREE AdmissionDealers • ExhibitsMeetings • SeminarsAPS Stamp ZoneStamps By the BucketStamps In Your Attic!Show CachetSouvenirs • More!APS Official Family–2010–2011–PresidentWade E. Saadi93 80th StreetBrooklyn, NY 11209wade@pencom.comNicholas A. Lombardi8605@comcast.netSteven J. Rodsjrod@aol.comDavid L. Straightdls@library.wustl.edu100 Match Factory PlaceBellefonte, PA 16823Steven Zwillinger804 Lamberton Dr.Silver Spring, MD 20902stevez@stamps.orgW. Danforth WalkerP.O. Box 99Lisbon, MD 21765danforthwalker@comcast.netKathryn J. Johnson100 Match Factory PlaceBellefonte, PA 16823KJ5217@aol.comJoann LenzP.O. Box 296Sterling Heights, MI 48311-0296joann@stampsjoann.netDenise L. StottsP.O. Box 690042Houston, TX 77269-0042stottsjd@swbell.netWayne YoungbloodP.O. Box 111Scandinavia, WI 54977youngblood@tds.netJanet Klug6854 Newtonsville RoadPleasant Plain, OH 45162tongajan@aol.comHugh Wood Inc.P.O. Box 414, Bowling Green StationNew York, NY 10274-0414Toll Free: 888-APS-6494Phone: 212-509-3777Fax: 212-509-4906insurance@stamps.orgEphraim W. Day2700 Lake AvenueCheverly, MD 20785-3038stamptheft@msn.comFebruary 19–21Board of Vice PresidentsSecretaryTreasurerAmerican Philatelic SocietyAmerican Philatelic Research LibraryInterim Executive DirectorKen Martin, ext. 218kpmartin@stamps.orgDirectors-at-Large100 Match Factory Place • Bellefonte, PA 16823Phone: 814-933-3803 • Fax: 814-933-6128Director of Internal OperationsRick Banks, ext. 216rbanks@stamps.orgDirector of Library ServicesGini Horn, ext. 246gini@stamps.orgManager of Membership AdministrationJudy Johnson, ext. 210judy@stamps.orgAddress Changes: requests@stamps.orgDirector of EducationGretchen Moody, ext. 239gretchen @stamps.orgYoung Stamp Collectors of AmericaJanet Houser, ext. 238jehouser@stamps.orgDirector of ExpertizingMercer Bristow, ext. 205mercer@stamps.orgDirector of the Sales DivisionThomas W. Horn, ext. 227twhorn@stamps.orgDirector of Internet SalesRenee Gardner, ext. 270StampStore@stamps.orgDirector of Shows and ExhibitionsDana Guyer, ext. 207dana@stamps.orgBarb Johnson, ext. 217barbj@stamps.orgShow Time Listingsshowtime@stamps.orgThe American PhilatelistBarbara Boal, ext. 221baboal@stamps.orgArticlesaparticle@stamps.orgLetters to the Editorlettertotheeditor@stamps.orgAdvertising Information:Helen Bruno, ext. 224adsales@stamps.orgAssociate Graphics Designer, ext. 223Doris Wilsondoris@stamps.orgWebmasterWendy Masorti, ext. 202wendy@stamps.orgYouTube Videos— www.stamps.org/YouTubesCheck us out on Facebook—www.facebook.com, Search American-Philatelic-SocietyImmediate Past PresidentAPS Insurance PlanStamp Theft CommitteeTo receive periodic e-mail announcements from APS, make sure we have your currente-mail address and enter “apsnews@stamps.org” in your computer’s e-mail address book.98 AMERICAN PHILATELIST /February2010Visit the APS & APRL online atwww.stamps.org • www.stamplibrary.orgVolume 124 • No. 2 • Whole No. 1,309APry 2010Februa133 APS AmeriStamp Expo 2010Welcome to Riverside, California! Schedule of Events, DealerBourse, Floor Plan, List of Exhibits, Team Competition.146 Follow the Postmarks; A Story of Nazi Germanyby Stephen BreitkopfCasually interesting items stashedaway in childhood sometimes can become philatelic treasures.150 We Need Another Captain Tim!by Richard LoganA brief look back at a collector who got2.5 million people to join his stamp club.152 An 1897 Valentine Greeting Cardby Charles A. FrickeA recycled,sentimental greeting card becomesa pioneer postcard.APS News189 2010 Stamp Program UnveiledOverview with brief descriptions ofthe 2010 U.S. Postal Service stamps.Featured Columns122Collecting Coast to Coast — Wayne YoungbloodAmerican Indians on Stamps —Exploring some of the manyways a typical topical collection can expand its boundaries.Worldwide in a Nutshell —Bob LambThe Bailiwick of Guernsey —One of the numerous ChannelIslands and officially still thepersonal property of the Britishcrown, its first definitive issueappeared in 1969.192Advertisers OnlineAPS Hall of Fame: Peterson& SkinnerClassifiedsIn the Know: YPLFIndex of AdvertisersLetters to the EditorMembership ReportPresident’s ColumnThe PulseSales TalkShow TimeU.S. New Issues172130182166185106179100155160168186Since 1887 — The Premier Philatelic Magazine in the Nationbaboal@stamps.orglettertotheeditor@stamps.orgaparticle@stamps.orgBonny Farmer • Associate Editorbfarmer@stamps.orgThe American Philatelist(ISSN 0003-0473) ispublished monthly by the American Phila-telic Society, Inc., 100 Match Factory Place,Bellefonte, PA 16823.Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA16823 and at additional mailing office. Priceper copy $4.95. Canadian Distribution Agree-ment Number 40030959.Opinions expressed in articles in this maga-Barbara Boal • EditorDoris WilsonAssociateGraphics Designerdoris@stamps.orgHelen Bruno • Advertising Managerhlbruno@stamps.orgadsales@stamps.orgzine are those of the writers and are not nec-essarily endorsed by the Society and/or themagazine.The American Philatelistcannot beresponsible for the accuracy of any informa-tion printed herein.Postmaster: Send address changes toTheAmerican Philatelist,100 Match FactoryPlace, Bellefonte, PA 16823.©2010, The American Philatelic Society, Inc.
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