American Jewish Committee 28th Report 1935, Żydzi |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->JEWISH COMMITTEETWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORTTHE AMERICANNEW YORK1935f8I.ACADEMY TRESSNEW YORK"The objects of this corporation shall be, to preventthe infraction of the civil and religious rights of Jews,in any part of the world ; to render all lawful assistanceand to take appropriate remedial action in the event ofthreatened or actual invasion or restriction of such rights,or of unfavorable discrimination with respect thereto ; tosecure for Jews equality of economic, social and educa-tional opportunity ; to alleviate the consequences of perse-cution and to afford relief from calamities affecting Jews,wherever they may occur ; and to compass these ends toadminister any relief fund which shall come into its pos-session or which may be received by it, in trust or other-wise, for any of the aforesaid objects or for purposescomprehended therein ."-Extractfrom the Charter.Objects of the CommitteeCONTENTSOFFICERS AND EXECUTIVE COMMITTEETWENTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETINGANNUAL REPORT OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEI.II .THE JEWISH SITUATION IN GERMANY TODAYOTHER CENTERS OF INTEREST ABROADPAGE7112727AustriaPolandDanzigSaar BasinSwitzerlandRoumaniaLatviaSouth AfricaLatin American CountriesCanadaAnti-Jewish Agitation in SalonicaRussiaIII .DOMESTIC MATTERSAnti-Jewish Agitation in the United StatesEducational ActivitiesImmigrationComplaints of False ChargesThe Osman Case53739444445464747484849495357596263PAGEThe American Jewish Year BookSaturday Sessions in New Jersey NormalSchools6364656567Objectionable Motion PicturesThe Proposed World Jewish CongressREPORT ON ORGANIZATION MATTERSCooperation With Other Organizations1. Necrology2. The Executive Committee3.7778794. Activities of Field RepresentativeCorporate Membership5. Regional Conferences and ChicagoMeetingState Advisory CouncilsChange of Date of Annual Meeting8687888891946.7.REPORT OF THE TREASURERAppendix : Report of the AuditorADDRESS OF NEVILLE LASKI, ESQ ., K .C 103ACT OF INCORPORATION AND BY-LAWS 113LIST OF CORPORATE MEMBERS BY CLASSES 123ALPHABETICAL LIST OF CORPORATE MEMBERS 135SUSTAINING MEMBERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 145CONTRIBUTING ORGANIZATIONS 181LEGACIES6185
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