American Impressionism

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American Impressionism, American Art
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American Impressionism

, Eleanor Holding a Shell, , 1902, private collection.

American Impressionism was a style of painting related to European and practiced by American artists in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. American Impressionism is a style of painting characterized by loose brushwork and vivid colors.

An emerging artistic style from Paris

, Low Tide , (1894), Collection of Margaret and Raymond Horowitz

emerged as an artistic style in in the 1860s. Major exhibitions of French impressionist works in Boston and New York in the 1880s introduced the style to the American public. Some of the first American artists to paint in an impressionistic mode, such as , did so in the late 1880s after visiting France and meeting with artists such as . Others, such as , took notice of the increasing numbers of French impressionist works at American exhibitions.

Trailblazers from the turn of the 20th century

From the 1890s through the 1910s, American impressionism flourished in —loosely affiliated groups of artists who lived and worked together and shared a common aesthetic vision. Art colonies tended to form in small towns that provided affordable living, abundant scenery for painting, and relatively easy access to large cities where artists could sell their work. Some of the most important American impressionist artists gathered at and , both on ; , on the Delaware River; and . American impressionist artists also thrived in California at and ; in New York on eastern at Shinnecock, largely due to the influence of ; and in Boston where and became important practitioners of the impressionist style.

Jazz age artists' colonies fizzled

Some American art colonies remained vibrant centers of impressionist art into the 1920s. However, impressionism in America lost its cutting-edge status in 1913 when a historical exhibition of modern art took place at the 69th Regiment Armory building in New York City. The “”, as it came to be called, heralded a new painting style regarded as more in touch with the increasingly fast-paced and chaotic world, especially with the outbreak of . The and .

The rebirth of impressionism in America: The 1950s and beyond

In the 1950s, a quarter of a century after the death of Monet, major museums in America started having exhibitions of the original French Impressionists paintings, and in so doing Impressionism was reborn. The resurgence of interest in Impressionism continues to this day, and is especially evident in the continued popularity of painting.

Notable American impressionists

Prominent painters, from the United States include:

































·         (California Impressionist)




·         (Canadian)

















·         (California Impressionist)














, Lilacs in a Window, 1880


, 's Garden, 1890, ,


, In the Orchard, 1891, ,


, Idle Hours, 1894,

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