American.Cinematographer 0910, magazines |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] SEPTEMBER 2010 $5.95 Canada $6.95 Windows. ® Life without Walls. ™ Dell recommends Windows 7. If you can imagine it, Set your imagination free – and bring your most amazing ideas to life – with Dell Precision ™ workstations. In the studio and now on the road, you have the power to keep up with your ideas and stay on top of your schedule. Ŕ4QFFEZPVSXBZUISPVHIUIFNPTUDPNQMFYUBTLTXJUIQPXFSGVMNVMUJDPSFQSPDFTTPST Ŕ$PMMBCPSBUFNVMUJUBTLSFOEFSBOENPSFŊXJUIBTZTUFN*47DFSUJţFEUPSVOBQQMJDBUJPOT JODMVEJOH"VUPEFTL ® .BZB ® "VUPEFTL ® ET.BY ® BOE"EPCF ® $4 Ŕ,FFQZPVSTPGUXBSFBOEIBSEXBSFXPSLJOHTFBNMFTTMZXJUIPQUJPOBM%FMM1SP4VQQPSU ™ ŊZPVS TJOHMFQPJOUPGDPOUBDUUPPWFSTPGUXBSFWFOEPSTŊGPSGBTUFťDJFOUQSPCMFNSFTPMVUJPO Learn More Call 1-800-873-1290 or visit www.dell.com/smb/imagine Windows ® 7 Professional operating system makes the things you do every day faster and easier. With fewer clicks, faster searching, easier browsing, and simpler ways to connect, there’s less between you and what you want to do. "WBJMBCJMJUZBOEUFSNTPG%FMM4FSWJDFTWBSZCZSFHJPO'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPOWJTJUXXXEFMMDPNTFSWJDFEFTDSJQUJPOT you can create it. MEMBER PORTRAI T Sam Nicholson, ASC hen I was growing up, my father shot 8mm home movies. I remember waiting for the rolls of Ektachrome to arrive in the mail from Eastman Kodak processing. After some quick cutting and splicing, we’d thread up an old, noisy projector, and our latest family adventure would magically flicker to life on the living-room wall. “As an aspiring cinematographer, I landed my first job on Star Trek: The Motion Picture , and I began to practically memorize articles in American Cinematographer . I still rely on AC ’s comprehensive stories and detailed technical information to keep me up to date on the latest cameras, production techniques and lighting equipment. Over the years, the tools have changed dramatically, but the emotional reward I get from shooting and watching motion pictures remains the same.” — Sam Nicholson, ASC TO SUBSCRIBE BY PHONE: Call (800) 448-0145 (U.S. only) (323) 969-4333 or visit the ASC Web site WWW. THEASC. COM “W SEPTEMBER 2 0 1 0 VOL. 9 1 NO. 9 The International Journal of Motion Imaging On Our Cover: Nucky Thompson (Steve Buscemi) masterminds a variety of criminal schemes in the HBO series Boardwalk Empire , shot by Stuart Dryburgh, ASC; Kramer Morgenthau, ASC; and Jonathan Freeman. (Photo by Craig Blankenhorn, courtesy of HBO.) FEATURES 34 Mob Money Three cinematographers evoke the Prohibition era for Boardwalk Empire 50 War Horses Jeffrey Kimball, ASC amps up the action for The Expendables 64 A Beatle’s Upbringing Seamus McGarvey, ASC, BSC revisits John Lennon’s youth for Nowhere Boy 74 Romans on the Run Sam McCurdy, BSC annihilates Rome’s Ninth Legion for Centurion 82 Where Cinematography Lives A pictorial history of the renovated ASC Clubhouse 50 DEPARTMENTS 8 Editor’s Note 10 President’s Desk 12 Short Takes: Alexa “World Cup” demo 18 Production Slate : Eat Pray Love The Milk of Sorrow 86 Post Focus: Lottery Ticket 90 Filmmakers’ Forum: David McFarland on Black Tulip 94 New Products & Services 104 International Marketplace 105 Classified Ads/Ad Index 108 ASC Membership Roster 110 Clubhouse News 112 ASC Close-Up: Dejan Georgevich 64 74 — VISIT WWW.THEASC.COM TO ENJOY THESE WEB EXCLUSIVES — Podcasts: Phedon Papamichael, ASC on Knight and Day Morten Søborg and Nicolas Winding Refn on Valhalla Rising DVD Playback: Red Desert Black Narcissus Cop Out
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