American Car - March 2015, Muscle Cars - magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->1969 FordGalaxie XL"Owning it has been greatfun, and part of that is justtrying to park it"ARCG A Z I N Em ALos AngelesAuto Show"They can usually findsomething to hit theheadlines within LA"1963 ChevroletBiscayne"You've just got to turnup, compete and enjoyit. Winning is justthe icing onthe cake."in Spr: PenguuShop TorooklN R1 | Brive: SItom | Dtby Kusp | Whieed ShoRunhot Toysn | BagDay RuYearsds NewanmArch 2015£4.20www.americancarmagazine.comPro-kitSPortLineanti-roLL-kitPro-SPacermULti-Pro-r1omDthateinracet. rUkthLeSteet.rePro-Street-SPro-aLiGnmentPerformance for motorsport and Street.Worldwide race series, teams and drivers trust in Eibach.Benefit from our experience and race proven technology by fitting Eibach to your car.Springs. Anti Roll Bars. Wheel Spacers. Suspension Systems. Coilovers. Alignment Kits.Eibach UK | Phone: 01455 285 851 | e-Mail: sales@eibach.co.ukeibach.comGOT SOMETHING TO SAY?Send us a message on Facebook, drop us a tweet onTwitter or emaileditor@americancarmagazine.comtwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazinestartlineISSUE #138 - MARCH 2015Published January 29th 2015editor’sletterBTHE CREWEDITOR IN CHIEFJulia Hopejulia@americancarmagazine.comEDITORDave Smitheditor@americancarmagazine.comSUB EDITORChris PollittDESIGN MANAGERJoe EverleyDESIGNERDon MacLachlanFREELANCE CONTRIBUTORSMatt Woods, Paul Dodd, Darren Graham,Sonia Hammond, Ethan Lisle, Jonathan Jacob,John Kennedy, Kev Carrington,Harvey BosomworthSUBSCRIPTIONSKate Rogerssubscriptions@americancarmagazine.comADVERTISINGLyndsey Godfreylyndsey@projectviva.co.ukMAGAZINE ADMINISTRATIONJane Munrojane@americancarmagazine.comGROUP PUBLISHERMatti Rogersmatti@americancarmagazine.comDAVE SMITHEDITORPUBLISHERAmerican Car Magazine is publishedunder contract by:PROJECT VIVA LIMITEDTHE OUTLOOK6 SANSOME WALKWORCESTERWR1 1LHTel: 01905 330177DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution LimitedPRINTPrint & Digital Publishing by ContractPublishing UK (CPUK) Ltd.© 2015 Project Viva LimitedISSN 2046-4580Sorry, but we can’t answer technicalqueries over the telephone.All correspondence requiring a reply mustinclude an SAE. Whilst every effort is made incompiling American Car Magazine thepublishers cannot be held responsible for anyerrors, or any effects arising therefrom.Fuel prices aredropping - time forthat V8!most of the gas-guzzlers arey the time you read this,tucked up in their garages. Still,we'll be well into 2015.a gift horse and all that...Plus we'll have got pastOn a different tack entirely, aBlue Monday, Grim Tuesday,chap posted a comment on ourMiserable Wednesday, CrapFacebook page recently aboutThursday and all the otherthe number of non-Americanadjectives you can apply tocars photographed in thedays of the week in January.Christmas issue. There was aHere's hoping you had a goodFiat 126 in the Flame & Thunderfestive period and your winterreport, and even a bunch ofprojects are well under way –Lambrettas in the Gallery! Iit's not long until Easter, even ifsuppose he has a point – theit feels like it.mag is called American CarAt least there was one slightMagazine. I could weed outmid-winter bonus in theevery single photographshape of tumblingof anything that wasn'tpetrol prices.“No, it'sFrom a summernot cheap; it'sborn in Detroit, butwhen it comes tohigh of £1.30-merely lessshow reports I likeodd a litre, itbottom-to convey a bit of agot down asreaminglyfeel for the wholelow as £1.09expensiveevent. Very fewaround my way,events are exclusivelywhich is a dropthan it was”American, so it seemsof between 20pchurlish to pretend that theand 30p a litre, orother stuff wasn't even there.between 90p and £1.35 aAnd the Fiat 126 he mentionedgallon. This prompted manywas one of the Taz Racing crew,people to say, “Blimey, that'sV8 powered, and I can'tcheap!” Christmas spiritimagine anyone turning theirprevented me from pointingback on that just because it'sout that no, it's not cheap; it'sFiat-bodied. If you do, you'remerely less bottom-reaminglymissing a treat!expensive than it was. Shame itMaybe it's because Ihappened over winter whenremember this magazinehaving its roots in StreetMachine, which had a very all-inclusive policy for content. Iwouldn't dream of droppingAmerican content for “otherstuff”, but I do like to include alittle taster if possible. Do youagree? If you feel equallystrongly about it, please let meknow and I'll be a lot morestringent with the photoselections! My email address ison the left there. In themeantime, keep your chin up –summer's coming.NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLYEVERYTHING YOU ENJOY ABOUTAMERICAN CAR MAGAZINE ONYOUR SMART PHONE OR TABLETConnect with us on Facebook & Twittertwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazineCOMPETITION RULESUNLESS SPECIFICALLYSTATED OTHERWISE:For all American Car Magazinecompetitions, enter via email atcompetitions@americancarmagazine.comor send postal entries to:American Car Magazine, The Outlook,6 Sansome Walk, Worcester, WR1 1LH.One entry per person. No cash alternative.Competitions close at noon on theclosing date stated. ACM employees arenot eligible to enter.ACM3contentscontentsP20: Biscayne playing the longgame in Street Eliminator01REGULARS7121416181966829297114NewsOn Track NewsAuction NewsThe Big PictureSubscriptionsLettersEvents GuideOur YanksNew ProductsGalleryFinish LineP7: So you pay extra tobuild it yourself?03FEATURES2028CO CAYNEA big-block Biscayne playing the big leagueCRUISE MUSCLEIt isn't easy being greenP92: No, it's a treaded tyre,honestly Officer02RACING644OUTLAW STREETThe inals … but who won?ACMP28: Greener than a yurt full of eco-warriors04OTHER STUFF424568DRIVEThe SIN you'd be happy to confessSHOP TOURVisiting the Penguin's lairREVIEWSWinter reading material05TECHNICAL707476868890BLUEPRINTThe word on the ThunderbirdONE BREW JOBSA quick plug for a plugHOW TOThe low-down on lowering an F100JARGON BUSTERSuspension terms demysti iedTRIED'N'TESTEDIt's time to make a standWHAT'S IN THE WORKSHOPAnother member of the four- igure bhp club06SHOWS3749545862AULD ACQUAINTANCESSeeing the new year in at BrooklandsGOTHICAGothic goings-on at Whitby KustomCHRISTMAS CHEER LEADERSThe Santa Cruise in BagshotWEST COAST PARTYThe winter motor shows begin in LACAPITAL GAINSThe new indoor winter extravaganzaP58: The future, according to Chevrolet, is as mad as a hairy fish
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