American Car - August 2015

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American Car - August 2015, Muscle Cars - magazyny
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//-->ARCWIN!TICKETS TOSILVERSTONECLASSIC2015!G A Z I N EM A1970 ChevroletChevelle"The only part of this Chevellethat Foose had any involvementwith is are the wheelsat each corner"One Lap ofAmerica"The car was now puttingout a dyno-proven 720hpat the crank – this wasgoing to get interesting”ord57 F ros19 heancRSpeedfeAst III | Nic/Yany's PicnSC Garowsla P85rive: Teou can n "ent | Deast yMain Ev, but at l ng your teethgressw | FIAtom Shork in pro e without losil a wod & Cus"It's stil ith confidencl Hot Roa| Nationrive it wekenddks weDAUGUST 2015£4.20www.americancarmagazine.comBlast from the Past.Summit Racing Equipment has the right mix of performance, restoration,OE replacement parts, bodywork supplies, tools, accessories, and moreso you can cruise the past right here in the present.Rely on us to answer your questionsand recommend solutions 24/7.PowerPort®Cleveland225 Cylinder HeadsforFord 351C, 351M/400,and Clevor ConversionsWake Up Your Cleveland!Keyword: TFS Cleveland 225as low as / $1,000.00 assembled, eachFendersFor 1957 Bel Air and 210!Keyword: DCK Full Fender 210BlueprintedHEI Distributorsas low as / $393.97 USD eachBuilt-in 50,000-Volt Coil!Keyword: SUM BlueprintedBead Rolleras low as / $89.97 USD eachHandles up to 18-Gauge Sheetl Metal!Keyword: HCK Bead RollerHoodsHCK-WFBR6 / $139.97 USD eachPrecision OEM Fit!Keyword: OPG Hoodsas low as / $285.97 USD eachLanded Cost Shipping!Choose landed cost serviceand all duties, taxes, andclearance fees are included.In-stock parts shipped same day,delivered to your door,with no hidden fees.Questions? Complete details availablein Customer Service section ofSummitRacing.com, talk viaLive Chat,or call us 24/7!Low Cost,No Hassle,ReproductionEmblemsGenuine Look!Keyword: OER EmblemsFloor PanSectionsas low as / $10.97 USD eachRestoration Foundation!Keyword: SHI Floor PanBumpersas low as / $48.97 USD eachCorrect-as-Original!Keyword: AMD Bumpersas low as / $197.99 USD eachExpert Advice•Huge Inventory•Fast Delivery•World-Class Customer ServiceInternational Sales: USA 1.330.630.0230Tech: USA 1.330.630.0240 • SCode: 1508AMUCall by 10 pm EST: In-Stock Parts Shipped That Day!Find it atPrices good through 8/1/15 • Typographical, description, or photography errors are subject to correction.Some parts are not legal for sale or use on any pollution-controlled motor vehicles. ©2015 AUTOSALES, INC.GOT SOMETHING TO SAY?Send us a message on Facebook, drop us a tweet onTwitter or emaileditor@americancarmagazine.comtwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazinestartlineeditor’sletterISSUE #143 - AUGUST 2015Published June 25th 2015ITHE CREWEDITOR IN CHIEFJulia Hopejulia@americancarmagazine.comEDITORDave Smitheditor@americancarmagazine.comEDITORIAL ASSISTANTJames BallDESIGN MANAGERJoe EverleyDESIGNERDon MacLachlanFREELANCE CONTRIBUTORSJonathan Fleetwood, Matt Woods, Chris Smith,Andy Davis, Lucy Pritchard, Jeni Long,Andy Willsheer, Richard Smith, Nick KirbyKev Carrington, Paul DoddSUBSCRIPTIONSKate Rogerssubscriptions@americancarmagazine.comADVERTISINGLyndsey Godfreylyndsey@projectviva.co.ukGROUP PUBLISHERMatti Rogersmatti@americancarmagazine.comDAVE SMITHEDITORThe Japanese cando Americanpretty well...PUBLISHERAmerican Car Magazine is publishedunder contract by:PROJECT VIVA LIMITEDTHE OUTLOOK6 SANSOME WALKWORCESTERWR1 1LHTel: 01905 330177DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution LimitedPRINTPrint & Digital Publishing by ContractPublishing UK (CPUK) Ltd.© 2015 Project Viva LimitedISSN 2046-4580Sorry, but we can’t answer technicalqueries over the telephone.All correspondence requiring a reply mustinclude an SAE. Whilst every effort is made incompiling American Car Magazine thepublishers cannot be held responsible for anyerrors, or any effects arising therefrom.n mid-May, I went along to theSociety of MotorManufacturers and TradersPress Day at Millbrook. This isan event where many motormanufacturers bring along a selectionof their models and members of thepress get to take them out and testdrive them, but only for 20 minutes orso, rather than booking them out ofthe press fleet for days at a time. It'slike a sushi bar, instead of a banquet.I went along to sample all theAmerican offerings. I almost starved.Jeep were there, with the Cherokeeand the Renegade that's doing so wellfor them at the moment, but we'vecovered those quiteextensively already.There was the newTesla, which you canread aboutelsewhere in thismagazine. Thatwas it. Ford'sMustang isn't hereyet, Chevrolet UKhas long sinceceased operation,and now Chrysler UK isgoing the same way. Yes,Chrysler has pulled out of theUK market, so once stocks of right-hand drive 300s, Voyagers andYpsilons are gone, they're outtahere. Chrysler Jeep franchiseswill continue to supplyparts, service andhonour warranties, butotherwise, that's it.Dodge, gone;Chevrolet, gone;Chrysler, gone; andBauer Millett'sclosure removedthe last official GMNorth Americadealership from theUK (though there is anew one in the pipelinefor Corvette, Camaro andCadillac Europe – stay tuned).It seems that, as companiesmerge and get taken over, and asthe range of vehicles specific to theNorth American market dwindles,selling “American” cars in our right-hand drive market just isn't worththeir while and they're happy to leavethe job to the independents.“Oncestocks ofright-hand drive300s, Voyagersand Ypsilons aregone, they'reoutta here”Perhaps the Mustang will prove mewrong. Goodbye, Chrysler, and thanksfor everything.So, having sat in traffic for threehours on the one-hour journey toMillbrook (why were the governmenttalking about raising motorway speedlimits to 80mph when most of itseems to be limited to 50mph at themoment?) I wasn't going to go homeafter 45 minutes. I tested a Caterham270S – the wide-bodied version fordrivers with wide bodies – andfrightened myself silly. It's basically amotorbike that you can't fall off. Idrove the Bentley Continental GT V8Sconvertible, which is absolutelyamazing. A smooth, silent V8express, with a leatherseat that massages yourback as you drive,then exhaust cut-outs that make itroar when you plantyour foot. Perfect. Idrove a MaseratiQuattroporte diesel,a really comfortablefour-door motorway-basher that you'd neverknow was a diesel. I drove aLexus RCF, a high-tech two-doorcoupe that is what a Skyline wants tobe when it grows up.I also had a go in some of theclassics that some companies hadbrought along. Jaguar's XJ12C coupewas lovely, and Suzuki had broughtalong one of those little eightiesSC100 'Whizz-kid' things which wasfun but had no brakes. Newspress hada theme of 'your first car', amongstwhich was a 1982 Allegro 1100, whichwas unfortunately as dreadful as itsreputation, even though I desperatelywanted it not to be. And my favouritecar of the day? A 1972 Toyota Crown, abig two-door pillarless coupe with alazy straight-six, auto box and asmuch American styling as Japancould steal. Whoever styled it hadclearly seen a 1970 AMC Ambassadorcoupe and thought “We can do that!” Iloved it, and the owner – an owner'sclub member along at Toyota UK'sbehest – was a wonderful bloke.Almost as nice as the chap fromJaguar's Heritage Centre who wastelling me about the 1970 Chevellehe's just bought...NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLYEVERYTHING YOU ENJOY ABOUTAMERICAN CAR MAGAZINE ONYOUR SMART PHONE OR TABLETConnect with us on Facebook & Twittertwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazineCOMPETITION RULESUNLESS SPECIFICALLYSTATED OTHERWISE:For all American Car Magazinecompetitions, enter via email atcompetitions@americancarmagazine.comor send postal entries to:American Car Magazine, The Outlook,6 Sansome Walk, Worcester, WR1 1LH.One entry per person. No cash alternative.Competitions close at noon on theclosing date stated. ACM employees arenot eligible to enter.ACM3contentscontentsP20: A handsome twosome - like buses,you don't see one for ages...01REGULARS7121416181966829297114NewsOn Track NewsAuction NewsThe Big PictureCompetitionLettersEvents GuideOur YanksNew ProductsGalleryFinish LineP7: A sexy six - the latestgeneration of Chevy's muscle car03FEATURES2028P92: Eighters gonna eight -regain control of your motorMAKE MINE A DOUBLERed means warm; blue means cool forthese RancherosA CHIP OFF THE BIG BLOCKThis Foose- lavoured Chevelle blows hot02OTHER STUFF51684DRIVEAnother electrifying performance from TeslaREVIEWSMore new titles than the New Year's Honours listACMP28 1970, 572, 8/71 ... bingo!Full house Chevelle:04RACING36465863LAP DOGSACM's Big Chris prepares for theOne Lap Of AmericaFOUR DAYS ON FOUR WHEELSAt this Picnic you're sure of a big surpriseFIRST POINTSOpening the 2015 FIA Drag Championship at theMain EventAMERICAN SUPER STOCKThe latest from the all-American bracket blowout05TECHNICAL707476868890BLUEPRINTReal hot rod or really a hatchback?ONE BREW JOBSPiston broke? Time to check those brakesHOW TOMaking new loor pans for a DodgeJARGON BUSTERSuspension alignment by degreesTRIED'N'TESTEDQuick wax and quick steel this monthWHAT'S IN THE WORKSHOPBehind the scenes at Real SteelP90: I say! That V8 has noclothes on. Indecent...06SHOWS4146THIRD TIME'S A CHARMThe National Hot Rod & Custom Showhits its strideIII'S A CROWDThe massive Speedfest's third birthday [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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