Amacom - Web Copy That Sells - The Revolutionary Formula For Creating Killer Copy Every Time - 2005, Copywriting |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] TLFeBOOK Praise for Web Copy That Sells “Maria, I’m very impressed with your book! You’re the first one to really make a convincing argument and show concrete evidence why writing for the web (especially e-mail copy) is quite different from writing for the offline markets in several aspects. Thanks for your enlightening material.” —Kevin Wilke, Founder of PureNetProfits.com and Cofounder of NitroMarketing.com “Web Copy That Sells belongs on the desktop of any e-marketer who wants to make more sales and profits without spending a nickel more on advertising. Maria’s web copy tips and techniques are like oxygen that’ll breathe more life into your websites and e-mail campaigns. Chapter 3 alone is worth 100 times the price you’ll pay for this copywriting book.” — Alex Mandossian, Web Traffic Conversion Strategist and President of www.CopywritingCoach.com “Without a doubt, Maria Veloso ‘wrote the book’ on how to turn a website into a selling machine. Web Copy That Sells is among the most important marketing books ever written. It should be required reading for all Internet marketers, webmasters and copywriters. Maria has simplified the craft of writing direct- response web copy down to an easy, step-by-step blueprint that is so appealing even my wife has decided to become a copywriter!” —Tim Russ, Editor, Candle Light Magazine “When it comes to writing the words on your website that make people pull out their credit cards and buy whatever you’re selling, Maria Veloso is an absolute genius. But what’s truly amazing is her singular skill in simplifying the craft of writ- ing web copy that sells into a discipline that’s both learnable and infinitely easy .” —Thomas Myer, Freelance Technical Copywriter, http://www.myerman.com “Maria, I recently read Web Copy That Sells, and I’ve experienced an incredible side effect as a result of two sentences that leapt out at me from your book. I was run- ning a pay-per-click campaign on Overture, and I was getting dismal click-through rates of 0.5 to 2.0 percent. After I implemented what I learned from your book in my Overture description, my click-through rates skyrocketed to 5.4 to 15.4 percent overnight. In the past, I almost gave up because although I was getting sales, I was paying most of the profit to Overture. Now I get more hits, more conversions, and I’m keeping the profits! Thanks, Maria, for your dynamite pay-per-click phrases.” —Terry Fisher, “The LottoMasta” www.lottery-and-lotto.com TLFeBOOK “I must admit your book, Web Copy That Sells, is probably the best book I’ve read to date about web copywriting—or copywriting, for that matter. Unlike the other books out there, Web Copy That Sells actually plugged me into my prospects’ thought processes, showing me step-by-step how to sell to them. I’ll never write copy the same again. Your work will no doubt have a profound impact on my bottom line. ...Thanks Maria!” —Scott Krech, http://www.internetaudiomadeeasy.com “I am just blown away by the way Maria Veloso takes complicated copywriting techniques, such as applying psychological tactics, and explains them so that I, a copywriting newbie, can easily understand them. And not only understand them conceptually, but understand how to use them and feel comfortable using them in my writing. Maria is nothing short of a copywriting genius and Web Copy That Sells is the most outstanding book for learning how to sell on the web.” —Tim Warren, Dallas, Texas, www.GreatMarketingStuff.com “Maria—I just love your book, Web Copy That Sells ! I spend about $30,000 a year on copywriting education, and I have to say this is the best on web copy— hands down!” —Lou V., Schererville, Indiana “Maria, Web Copy That Sells is definitely an awesome book—thoroughly researched, practical, and well overdue. I’ve skimmed through all of the chap- ters and I’ve got to say wow ! This has got to be the first how-to book that’s actu- ally a how-to book on copywriting that explains the science behind copy! I’m learning your methods in earnest. I think this is dangerous stuff! Thank you, thank you, and thank you!” —Jon Relunia, http://www.speeduplearning.com “After spending thousands upon thousands of dollars getting information from almost every Internet and marketing expert out there, I can say that, without a doubt, Maria Veloso’s book, Web Copy That Sells, is the best investment that any- one wanting a profitable career on the Internet could make.” —Rick Miller, Certified Master of Web Copywriting, author of “Internet Mind Control,” www.ScientificInternetMarketing.com TLFeBOOK “Maria, your book is a great read ! It’s full to bursting with innovative and invalu- able tips for increasing website profits. The chapter “From Prospects to Pur- chasers: The Psychological Motivators” is a power-packed bomb —it blew my mind!” —Mekhola Majumdar, www.writingwealth.com “I’m so glad you’ve written a book that teaches exactly how you produce copy- writing masterpieces that sell like crazy. One day, I hope to be half as good a web copywriter as you.” —Ardi Bakri, Singapore, http://www.clubs5678.com “Web Copy That Sells is an absolute necessity for anyone who wants to write riv- eting web copy. The blueprint alone slashes hours off of writing. Thanks, Maria, for a power-packed book!” —Nancy Travis, Web Copywriter, Miami, Florida “I have a pretty thorough grounding in offline copywriting, but I’ve found the methods and techniques described in your book quite mind-boggling . They go beyond common practice and embrace a practicality that makes the whole dis- cipline very comfortable. Much of what you’ve introduced is applicable to offline work as well. I thank you for expanding my vision of how this craft can be practiced and for opening my mind to developing a much broader array of tools to use.” —Bruce Midgett, Missoula, Montana “Maria, I just finished the first read-through of your book, Web Copy That Sells . Boy, you are some kind of genius or something! I’ve read tons of copywriting books and as I read through your book, I kinda got a hole in my stomach, but also got really excited realizing how my approach has not been all that well thought out—and how it could be a whole lot better! I’ve gotten good conver- sions before your book came around, and I can’t even imagine what’s going to happen when I implement your ideas! Your copywriting impresses the heck out of me . . . but what impresses me even more is your ability to teach your tech- niques so clearly. You’ve really got a gift, Maria.” —Paul Schlegel, St. Louis, Missouri, www.learnfastearnfast.com TLFeBOOK “Maria, I cannot even begin to tell you how much I’m enjoying myself writing copy the way you’ve taught it in your book! I just love it—and whenever I write copy for anyone, they’re always blown away by the results ! And I’ve just barely gotten started. I actually look forward to getting out of bed every single day to write this way. I’m so grateful that I found your book! This has changed my life — and at a time when I was stagnating after doing non-stop traditional marketing for over 20 years. So glad I found your book—so glad, so glad . . .” —Susan B. Loebl, Web Copywriting Specialist, www.webcopywriting.us ”Maria, I shared some of the concepts I learned from your book with the presi- dent of one company and a few other close friends—all of whom had a similar “Aha!” experience as I did . . . It had nothing to do with me, of course. It was your book—and I told them so ...What a wonderful paradigm shift—your ideas are definitely profound and mind-blowing.” —Robert Durant, Raleigh, North Carolina “ By the time you finish reading Maria’s incredible book, you’ll know more than 99% of your competitors when it comes to making web visitors pull out their credit cards and buy what you’re selling. “The truth is, I’ve invested a ton of money in my copywriting education over the years and there isn’t anything like her easy-to-follow, step-by-step blueprint for writing irresistible web copy. “So the only real question you should ask yourself is this: How soon do you want to start increasing your income or profits exponentially? “For all these reasons, take the next step and get her fantastic book right now, while it’s fresh on your mind. You’ll be glad you did.” —Tony Ostian, Certified Master of Web Copywriting, www.webCopyGuy.com “Maria, you have definitely revolutionized the proper techniques for writing web copy that sells! Your book is absolutely the most astonishing, and easy-to- follow guide for business owners who want to take their business 10 steps for- ward and start making a name for themselves in the online world. Thank you, Maria. You’re absolutely amazing! ” —Carlos Garcia, Publisher, Wealthy Secrets Newsletter, London, Ontario, Canada TLFeBOOK
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