American Woodworker - Jan 2012, Majsterkowanie Magazyny |
[ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ] 2 Piece 4 Piece Ideal for Any Project that Requires a Flawless Finish! Set Set #89-672 #89-676 . 5132' Roman agee BIt,II38·104 . 3/8' Rounding Over BIt, .34·124 • 112' Roundong Over BIt, .34-126 • 5/32' Roman Ogee Bot, 1138·104 • Classical Cove & Bead BIt, . 318' Roundong Over Bot, '34·124 · 5132' Roman agee Bt, '38·104 • Cl8SSlC8lCove&~ Brt,II38-362 Pr.~tb ....... • CIassocaI Cove & Rotm Brt,IIJ8.614 38·36; Available for 8 limited time only, For more infonnation visit www.freucltools.comIQuadra-Cut Red rout. bots ... oegoat_ tradenw1< of F....cI Arnerca. Inc 1 ~n· 7307  American~ Woodworker. #157, December/January 2012 Features 38 Limbert Footstool Build a replica of an Arts and Crafts classic. 40 New Hope Blanket Chest Inspired by traditional Pennsylvania design, this chest is a dovetailer's delight. 47 Brush Care 101 How to choose, condition and clean a finishing brush. 51 Tablesawn Glass Panel Door Make see-through doors in 6 easy steps. 54 Stringing Inlay Learn how to embellish fine furniture with a master cabinetmaker. 58 Logs to Lumber In a search for wide boards, it pays to buy whole logs. 62 Why You Need a Moisture Meter It cans save you lots of money-and grief! Departments 8 Workshop Tips 14 CNC Workshop 22 Well-Equipped Shop 28 A Great American Woodworker 4 AmanclUlWoodworker.com DECEM . EII/JANUAIIY lOU  You're using the most trusted brand of paint in the U.S. When it comes to covering stains and old colors completely and efficiently, confidence does come in a can - and it's called Klue primer. Recognized by the Harris Poll as the highest ranked brand in its category for four consecutive years,* KILZ primer reduces the chance that you'll be applying topcoat after topcoat. Cover with KILZ primer.. . and cover with confidence. The Harris Poll 2011 EquiTrend' Paint Brand of the Year "Kill brand receIved the hIghest numencal EquIty Score. TNst Score Ind QualIty Score Imoog Pllnt COIMgs Indu<*:lln the 2011 H.ms Poll EquiTr.r~ Study. Plea.. go to www.kilz.com lor further det"ls. www.kilz.com Â
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