American Philatelic Society 2012 Vol.126.09, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->$4.95September 2012Afghanistan’s Foreign Relationsthrough PhilatelyAPSeptember2012832Reader Commentary —Mystery Postcards;An Explanationby Diane DeBloisincorporating postal designs into commercial tradecards.836Afghanistan’s Foreign Relations Through Philatelyby Lawrence E. CohenAfghanistan’s relations with other countriesduring the second half of the twentieth century can be read throughthe designs chosen for their postal issues.846125th Anniversary of Organized Philatelyin Canada: 1887–2012by Charles J.G. VergeA history of the formation of the Royal PhilatelicSociety of Canada, beginning with the first call for action published in theJune 1887 issue ofThe Halifax Philatelist.Featured Column822Collecting Coast to Coast —Wayne YoungbloodAll That’s Philatelic Is Not StampedPhilatelic history can be represented826Every Cover Tells a Story —David StraightThe Demise of the Common CupA flattened paper drinking cup from 1911health.828Visiting the British Empire —Noel DavenhillCayman IslandsA dependency of Jamaica until 1962 and now a CrownColony, this small group of Caribbean islands lies between Cuba and Jamaica.888Worldwide in a Nutshell —Bob LambRepublic of Cypressrecognized by the international community.The American Philatelist(ISSN 0003-0473) is published monthlyBellefonte, PA 16823.Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA 16823 and at addi-tional mailing office. Price per copy $4.95. Canadian DistributionAgreement Number 40030959.Opinions expressed in articles in this magazine are those of thewriters and are not necessarily endorsed by the Society and/or themagazine.The American Philatelistcannot be responsible for theaccuracy of any information printed herein.Postmaster: Send address changes to:The American Philatelist©2012, The American Philatelic Society, Inc.Since 1887 — The Premier Philatelic Magazine in the NationBarbara Boalbaboal@stamps.orglettertotheeditor@stamps.orgaparticle@stamps.orgBonny Farmerbfarmer@stamps.org794 AMERICAN PHILATELIST / SEPTEMBER2012Doris WilsonAssociateGraphics Designerdoris@stamps.orgHelen Brunohlbruno@stamps.orgadsales@stamps.orgBlue&Gray:Mail&the Civil Warsponsored byThe American Philatelic SocietyAmerican Philatelic Research LibrarySmithsonian National Postal MuseumAdvertisers OnlineBook ReviewsClassifiedsIndex of AdvertisersInside the NPMLetters to the EditorLuff Honorees: Dixon, Graue, RodMembership ReportPeterson Literature Awardee: WarrenPresident’s ColumnThe PulseSales TalkShow TimeU.S. New Issues868886878870862802850874852796855858864882presented by the U.S. Philatelic Classics SocietyJanuary 18–20, 2013American Philatelic CenterLouisville, KentuckyKentucky International Convention CenterKen Martin, ext. 218kpmartin@stamps.orgRick Banks, ext. 216rbanks@stamps.orgYoung Stamp Collectors ofAmerica —Janet Houser, ext. 238jehouser@stamps.orgMercer Bristow, ext. 205mercer@stamps.orgThomas W. Horn, ext. 227twhorn@stamps.orgRenee Gardner, ext. 270StampStore@stamps.orgsDana Guyer, ext. 207dana@stamps.orgBarb Johnson, ext. 217barbj@stamps.orgShow Time Listingsshowtime@stamps.orgWendy Masorti, ext. 202wendy@stamps.orgStay Connected to APSwww.facebook.com/american.philatelic.societywww.linkedin.com/company/American-Philatelic-Societyhttp://blog.stamplibrary.orgTwitter.com/APS_StampsTwitter.com/Stamplibrary— www.stamps.org/Stamp-YouTube-VideosTara Murray, ext. 246tmurray@stamps.orgJudy Johnson, ext. 210judy@stamps.orgAddress Changes:requests@stamps.orgGretchen Moody, ext. 239gretchen@stamps.orgBarbara Boal, ext. 221baboal@stamps.orgBonny Farmer, ext 222bfarmer@stamps.orgArticlesaparticle@stamps.orgLetters to the Editorlettertotheeditor@stamps.orgAdvertising Information:Helen Bruno, ext. 224adsales@stamps.orgEditorial Production Manager,Doris Wilson, ext. 223doris@stamps.org&nlineSEPTEMBER2012/ AMERICAN PHILATELIST 795
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