American Philatelic Society 2011 Vol.125.11, filatelistyka, American Philatelic Society |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] $4.95 November 2011 Calbraith Rogers & e Vin Fiz Honoring All APS Official Family — 2011–2013 — Who Served President Wade E. Saadi 93 80th Street Brooklyn, NY 11209 wade@pencom.com Board of Vice Presidents Mark Banchik mebanchik@aol.com Nicholas A. Lombardi 8605@comcast.net Stephen Reinhard sreinhard1@optonline.net 100 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA 16823 We thank you! Secretary Ken Grant E11969 Kessler Road Baraboo, WI 53913 kenneth.grant@uwc.edu American Philatelic Society American Philatelic Research Library Treasurer Kathryn J. Johnson 100 Match Factory Place Bellefonte, PA 16823 KJ5217@aol.com Directors-at-Large Edgar Hicks P.O. Box 40529 Omaha, NE 68145 Edgar@LiberiaStamp.org Kristin Patterson 851 Ironwood Dr. San Jose, CA 95125 kristin_email@yahoo.com W. Danforth Walker P.O. Box 99 Lisbon, MD 21765 danforthwalker@comcast.net .BUDI'BDUPSZ1MBDFt#FMMFGPOUF1" 1IPOFt'BY Executive Director Ken Martin, ext. 218 kpmartin@stamps.org Assistant to the Executive Director Becky Magyar, ext. 204 bmagyar@stamps.org Director of Internal Operations Rick Banks, ext. 216 rbanks@stamps.org Director of Information Services/Librarian Tara Murray, ext. 246 tmurray@stamps.org Manager of Membership Administration Judy Johnson, ext. 210 judy@stamps.org Address Changes: requests@stamps.org Director of Education Gretchen Moody, ext. 239 gretchen@stamps.org Young Stamp Collectors of America Janet Houser, ext. 238 jehouser@stamps.org Director of Expertizing Mercer Bristow, ext. 205 mercer@stamps.org Director of the Sales Division omas W. Horn, ext. 227 twhorn@stamps.org Director of Internet Sales Renee Gardner, ext. 270 StampStore@stamps.org Director of Shows and Exhibition s Dana Guyer, ext. 207 dana@stamps.org Barb Johnson, ext. 217 barbj@stamps.org Show Time Listings showtime@stamps.org e American Philatelist Barbara Boal, ext. 221 baboal@stamps.org Bonny Farmer, ext 222 bfarmer@stamps.org Articles aparticle@stamps.org Letters to the Editor lettertotheeditor@stamps.org Advertising Information: Helen Bruno, ext. 224 adsales@stamps.org Associate Graphics Designer, ext. 223 Doris Wilson doris@stamps.org Webmaster Wendy Masorti, ext. 202 wendy@stamps.org YouTube Videos — www.stamps.org/YouTubes Check us out on Facebook — www.facebook.com/american. philatelic.society Steven Zwillinger 804 Lamberton Dr. Silver Spring, MD 20902 stevez@stamps.org Immediate Past President Janet Klug 6854 Newtonsville Road Pleasant Plain, OH 45162 tongajan@aol.com APS Insurance Plan Hugh Wood Inc. P.O. Box 414, Bowling Green Station New York, NY 10274-0414 Toll Free: 888-APS-6494 Phone: 212-509-3777 Fax: 212-509-4906 insurance@stamps.org Stamp Theft Committee Nicholas A. Lombardi P.O. Box 1005 Mountainside, NJ 07092 stamptheft@stamps.org Visit the APS & "13-POMJOFBUXXXTUBNQTPSHtXXXTUBNQMJCSBSZPSH To receive periodic e-mail announcements from APS, make sure we have your current e-mail address and enter apsnews@stamps.org in your computer’s e-mail address book. 986 AMERICAN PHILATELIST / N OVEMBER 2011 AP 1014 Who Was Calbraith P. Rodgers? by Charlie Wentz e winner of the 1911 Hearst Prize for the rst cross-country airplane ight to be accomplished in under 30 days also carried mail. 1022 Ohio’s Assassinated Presidents by Kenneth M. Davis A “gloomy” topical collection can lead to a satisfying excursion into both postal and societal history. 1030 e Auckland Islands Local Post; Bogus but Expensive by Don Avery ćFFČPSUUPSFDPWFSHPMECVMMJPO from the sunken General Grant resulted in a small local run of highly sought-aer expedition stamps. APS News "EWFSUJTFST0OMJOF APS Sta Tip 1006 #PPL3FWJFXT Classieds 1070 *OEFYPG"EWFSUJTFST *OTJEFUIF/1. -FUUFSTUPUIF&EJUPS .FNCFSTIJQ3FQPSU President’s Column 1032 Sukarno & Suharto: e First and Second Presidents of Indonesia by Mardjohan Hardjasudarma e more than 50 years of Sukarno and Suharto’s reigns le a rich philatelic history of a country struggling for independence. Featured Columns 1008 Visiting the British Empire — Noel Davenhill Antigua; A Brief Philatelic History Formerly part of the Leeward Islands colony, Antigua CFDBNFTFMGHPWFSOJOH in 1967 and gained its independence in 1981. 988 e Pulse 1043 Sales Talk 1050 Show Time 1055 U.S. New Issues 1074 Since 1887 — e Premier Philatelic Magazine in the Nation 1079 Worldwide in a Nutshell — Bob Lamb Republic of Chile Chile, once a central part of the great Incan empire, declared its independence from Spain in 1810, producing its rst stamps in 1853. Barbara Boal t&EJUPS baboal@stamps.org lettertotheeditor@stamps.org aparticle@stamps.org Bonny Farmer t"TTPDJBUF&EJUPS bfarmer@stamps.org Doris Wilson Associate Graphics Designer doris@stamps.org Helen Bruno t"EWFSUJTJOH.BOBHFS hlbruno@stamps.org adsales@stamps.org e American Philatelist (ISSN 0003-0473) is published monthly by the American Phila- UFMJD4PDJFUZ*OD.BUDI'BDUPSZ1MBDF Bellefonte, PA 16823. Periodicals postage paid at Bellefonte, PA 16823 and at additional mailing oce. Price per copy $4.95. Canadian Distribution Agree- ment Number 40030959. Opinions expressed in articles in this maga- zine are those of the writers and are not nec- essarily endorsed by the Society and/or the magazine. e American Philatelist cannot be responsible for the accuracy of any informa- tion printed herein. Postmaster: Send address changes to e American Philatelist, .BUDI'BDUPSZ Place, Bellefonte, PA 16823. ©2011, e American Philatelic Society, Inc. 7PMVNFt/Pt8IPMF/P
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