American Car - September 2014

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American Car - September 2014, Muscle Cars - magazyny
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Alignment Kits.Eibach UK | Phone: 01455 285 851 | e-Mail: sales@eibach.co.ukeibach.comGOT SOMETHING TO SAY?Send us a message on Facebook, drop us a tweet onTwitter or emaileditor@americancarmagazine.comtwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazinestartlineISSUE #133 - SEPTEMBER 2014Published August 28th 2014editor’sletterHTHE CREWEDITOR IN CHIEFJulia Hopejulia@americancarmagazine.comEDITORDave Smitheditor@americancarmagazine.comSUB EDITORChris PollittDESIGN MANAGERJoe EverleyDESIGNERDon MacLachlanFREELANCE CONTRIBUTORSAndy 'Fly' Tipping, Jonathan Jacob,Charlie Lewis, Andy Davis, Mark Butterworth,Jenny Wren, Kev Carrington, Paul Dodd,Martin Drake, Darren GrahamSUBSCRIPTIONSKate Rogerssubscriptions@americancarmagazine.comADVERTISINGHayden Jordanhayden@americancarmagazine.comLyndsey Godfreylyndsey@projectviva.co.ukMAGAZINE ADMINISTRATIONJane Munrojane@americancarmagazine.comGROUP PUBLISHERMatti Rogersmatti@americancarmagazine.comanging around chattingat shows, races andcruises, you can oftenpick up pointers about which waythe wind is blowing and currently,there are quite a few alarm bellsringing. Much of this could comeunder the heading of 'what somebloke in the pub told, me' butsome of these blokes in themetaphorical pub are more thanqualified to comment on thesubject. It seems that recentlythere have been more and moreshots across the bows from VOSAor, as it's now called, the Driverand VehicleStandards Agency.government body they have toearn their keep and can't be adrain on the taxpayer – but'surplus' to me says 'money in thebank'. Whose bank, I wonder.DAVE SMITHEDITORPUBLISHERAmerican Car Magazine is publishedunder contract by:PROJECT VIVA LIMITEDTHE OUTLOOK6 SANSOME WALKWORCESTERWR1 1LHTel: 01905 330177DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution LimitedPRINTPrint & Digital Publishing by ContractPublishing UK (CPUK) Ltd.© 2014 Project Viva LimitedISSN 2046-4580Sorry, but we can’t answer technicalqueries over the telephone.All correspondence requiring a reply mustinclude an SAE. While every effort is made incompiling American Car Magazine thepublishers cannot be held responsible for anyerrors, or any effects arising therefrom.More recently I've been hearingabout VOSA trawling aroundshows, especially kit car shows,checking number plates and VINnumbers against the DVLAdatabase. Likewise at motorbikeevents, where home-brewedtrikes retain the Reliant Robin logbook long after most traces ofReliant have been engineeredout. I've also heard (third-hand –this is not gospel) about avery high-profile dragracer who had a visitThe DVSA is“It seems thatfrom VOSA officials,formed by therecently therehad his street-legalDrivinghave been morerace car inspected andStandardsand more shotshis log book revoked.Agency andacross the bowsOK, there are plenty ofVehicle andkit cars and hot rodsOperatorfrom VOSA”running around onServices Agencydubious log books – ajoining forces,glassfibre '32 sedan on a 1983though as it stated in aFord Sierra log book is pushinggovernment paper publishedthings a bit – but I suspect we allrecently, “DSA and VOSA willthink of it as a victimless crime.continue to be two separateUnless you're claiming a free taxtrading funds until April 2015disc that you're not strictlywhen DVSA will gain trading fundentitled to, which is fraud, whostatus.” I really don't like thecares?sound of “trading fund”.VOSA is, or was, an ExecutiveAgency for the Department forTransport. In a recently publishedparliamentary report, VOSA/DSAreported a £12.3 million surplusfor 2013/2014, over a target of £4million, and £1.4 million efficiencysavings over the same period.This was described as “Achievingour financial recovery a full yearahead of the original five yearplan,” as four years previouslythey were almost £50 million inthe red. It's lovely that they'reback in the black – after all, as aIt seems that the DVSA now do,and so far we've only seen thethin end of the wedge. I suspectthat many things we have been'getting away with' for yearsbecause the Police don't want towaste their time with such trivia –American-style number plates,drag radials, loud pipes and such– are about to be given a goodpoke with a sharp stick by anagency that is, when all's said anddone, self-financing. And weknow what that means. It may betime to clean house.A car whose officialstatus has causedmore than oneheadache...NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLYEVERYTHING YOU ENJOY ABOUTAMERICAN CAR MAGAZINE ONYOUR SMART PHONE OR TABLETConnect with us on Facebook & Twittertwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazineCOMPETITION RULESUNLESS SPECIFICALLYSTATED OTHERWISE:For all American Car Magazinecompetitions, enter via email atcompetitions@americancarmagazine.comor send postal entries to:American Car Magazine, The Outlook,6 Sansome Walk, Worcester, WR1 1LH.One entry per person. No cash alternative.Competitions close at noon on theclosing date stated. ACM employees arenot eligible to enter.ACM3contentscontentsP20: That's not asunroof - it's the canopyfor the ejector seat01REGULARS7121416196680829297114NewsOn Track NewsAuction NewsThe Big PictureLettersEvents GuideSubscriptionsOur YanksNew ProductsGalleryFinish LineP7: The most insaneminicab in the west03FEATURES203038P92: It's either a largeintake manifold or someFrench plumbingDODD ALMIGHTYThree generations of mighty muscleDARTH’S DAILYStealthy turbo Buick does daily driver dutyWELDERUP!Behind the scenes at reality rod builders VegasRat Rods02OTHER STUFF18684DRIVEA small test of a small ChryslerREVIEWSThe latest reading material for petrolheadsACMP30: Buick's muscle Ninja04RACING476164NO BUTSOne of the fastest-growing events on the dragcalendar - DragstalgiaAMERICAN SUPER STOCKRounds six and seven of the All-American bracketOUTLAW STREETThe OS guys head to Shakey for round three05TECHNICALP70: At least the collarmatches the cuffs...707476868890BLUEPRINTThe forgotten BarracudasONE BREW JOBSFive minute fan beltsHOW TOBuilding a super-tough nine-inch from scratchJARGON BUSTERBearing caps for beginnersTRIED'N'TESTEDMore chemical experimentsWHAT'S IN THE WORKSHOPA one-of-one Mach I in Essex06SHOWS435156ROLLIN' THE HAYBack in time for the Hot Rod HayrideAGE OF MAJORITYThe Mopar Euronationals gets the key o'the doorPONIES ON PARADEThe Mustang's birthday party at theSilverstone Classic [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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