American Car - October 2014, Muscle Cars - magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->ARCG A Z I N EM A1954 Chevy3100“It will eventually run aseven, but it won't beeasy to get there”FIA EuropeanFinals"They come alive withthe spectacle of fire inthe pipes stabbingthe darkness"rt IIction paentre se9” cn | Fordd Reuniot RoverYork HolympX |you'd nerOndles,heim Nit| Hockenway it ha a Mustang”r Slam“The it wasSummeeankeesnYbelievder | Damweekenlists8 Mentaionals | VNatreet RodNASC StFord T007 ng G2ustaMOCTOBER 2014£4.20www.americancarmagazine.comGOT SOMETHING TO SAY?Send us a message on Facebook, drop us a tweet onTwitter or emaileditor@americancarmagazine.comtwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazinestartlineISSUE #134 - OCTOBER 2014Published September 25th 2014editor’sletterITHE CREWEDITOR IN CHIEFJulia Hopejulia@americancarmagazine.comEDITORDave Smitheditor@americancarmagazine.comSUB EDITORChris PollittDESIGN MANAGERJoe EverleyDESIGNERDon MacLachlanFREELANCE CONTRIBUTORSSy Parrish, Matt Woods, Andy Willsheer,Darren Graham, Richard Smith, Jenny WrenPhotography, Charlie Lewis, Nick KirbySUBSCRIPTIONSKate Rogerssubscriptions@americancarmagazine.comADVERTISINGLyndsey Godfreylyndsey@projectviva.co.ukMAGAZINE ADMINISTRATIONJane Munrojane@americancarmagazine.comGROUP PUBLISHERMatti Rogersmatti@americancarmagazine.comDAVE SMITHEDITORPUBLISHERAmerican Car Magazine is publishedunder contract by:PROJECT VIVA LIMITEDTHE OUTLOOK6 SANSOME WALKWORCESTERWR1 1LHTel: 01905 330177DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution LimitedPRINTPrint & Digital Publishing by ContractPublishing UK (CPUK) Ltd.© 2014 Project Viva LimitedISSN 2046-4580Sorry, but we can’t answer technicalqueries over the telephone.All correspondence requiring a reply mustinclude an SAE. While every effort is made incompiling American Car Magazine thepublishers cannot be held responsible for anyerrors, or any effects arising therefrom.No tax disc just meansone less sticker forthis weekend warriorf you're reading this magwhen it comes out, you'llsurely be enjoying yourtax disc while you still have one.Any vehicle taxed from October1st onwards will not get thetraditional disc any more, butsurely you all knew that. Didn'tyou? If not, you're not alonebecause this new road tax lawchange seems to be one of themost poorly publicised andleast understood regulationsof the year.For a start, you won't get adisc. If the ANPR in a police caror on the roadside clocksyour registrationnumber and youhaven't paid yourroad rent, you'llget a charmingpersonalisedinvitation tocough upthrough the post.This is likely to havethe knock-on effectthat the owners of carswearing even slightly non-standard plates will get anothercharming letter, possibly invitingthem for tea and a chat with thelocal magistrates.Another aspect of thechanges prohibits sellers frompassing on the outstandingperiod of road tax when they sellthe car. This means that youcannot buy a car with tax on it.As soon as the car is sold, theprevious owner claims a refundof the outstanding tax and thenew owner can tax it himself,either online, through thePost Office or byDirect Debit.“Now BigBrotherreally will bewatchingyou”The DVLA reckon that thisnew system will make it moredifficult to get away with drivingan untaxed vehicle, not tomention saving £10 million inadministration and printingmore than 42 million tax discs.It also means that whoeverbuys the car must have itinsured – clearly you can't buyroad tax without insurance. Italso means you have to bepretty sharp with the paperworkwhen you buy or sell – sellersfailing to notify the DVLA thattheir vehicle has been sold canbe fined upto £1,000 as well asbeing liable forspeeding or parkingfines incurred bythe new owner.Anyone scrappinga car will need acertificate ofdestruction froman authorisedwaste facility.So the old 'vehicle exciseduty' disc, introduced in 1919, isobsolete five years away from itstelegram from the Queen. NowBig Brother really will bewatching you, and even thoughfew people seem to understandthe new process properly, youcan bet that ignorance andbewilderment will be no defencefor transgressors. It seemsoverly complicated to me, andaside from the DVLA savingsmade on 72 tons of tax discs peryear, I don't see how it can saveon administration. Unless theyrefund the seller with theoutstanding tax to the day, I cansee them getting a lot of moneyfor nothing, though. Or else thelast day of the month will be avery popular day for buying andselling cars. But once again, wemust keep our own house inorder – make sure your SORNsare up to date, for a start.NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLYEVERYTHING YOU ENJOY ABOUTAMERICAN CAR MAGAZINE ONYOUR SMART PHONE OR TABLETConnect with us on Facebook & Twittertwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazineCOMPETITION RULESUNLESS SPECIFICALLYSTATED OTHERWISE:For all American Car Magazinecompetitions, enter via email atcompetitions@americancarmagazine.comor send postal entries to:American Car Magazine, The Outlook,6 Sansome Walk, Worcester, WR1 1LH.One entry per person. No cash alternative.Competitions close at noon on theclosing date stated. ACM employees arenot eligible to enter.ACM3contentscontentsP20: You know what thisbloke needs? Some stickers01REGULARS7121416181966829297114NewsOn Track NewsAuction NewsThe Big PictureSubscriptionsLettersEvents GuideOur YanksNew ProductsGalleryFinish LineP7: A cool race carhauler. And if the racecar breaks, race this03FEATURES2028TOP DOWN THINKINGIt's okay, American cars don't go round cornersHAULER FAMEThis Chevy's come a long way from haulinghay balesP92: "Stance" this,you moron02OTHER STUFF684REVIEWSThe latest reading material for petrolheadsACMP28: Showing White VanMan how it's done04RACING5054596164TRIUMPH OVER ADVERSITYThe British invasion of Hockenheim...THE DECIDER...followed by the European invasion of Santa Pod!REUNION CITY BLUESYork Raceway's bank holiday get togetherAMERICAN SUPER STOCKThe tension's building as the inals get closerOUTLAW STREETA split event for OS round four05TECHNICALP70: Assigned parkingon the Death Star707476868890BLUEPRINTThe C5. Corvette, not SinclairONE BREW JOBSJeep brake discs. They don't make it easyHOW TOBack to Hauser Racing for the 9” buildJARGON BUSTERA load of hot air about windageTRIED'N'TESTEDMore chemical experimentsWHAT'S IN THE WORKSHOPA Buick motor gets bored so the owner won't06SHOWS36384347GET YOUR KITT ONA small galaxy of star carsTHE BIG FOUR OHThe NASC celebrates the Street Rod Nats hittingmiddle ageMENTALISTS' INSTITUTIONThe V8 Mentalists get a wartime themeAIRFIELD ATTRACTIONThose Damn Yankees bring their SummerSlam back
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