American Car - November 2014, Muscle Cars - magazyny |
[ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ] //-->ARCWIN!ETEA COMPLISHASSCERMAKEOVG A Z I N EM A1970 PontiacCatalina"It was a big car, really big, andit handled terribly whichmade it even more funto drive."1969Dodge DartSwinger"I'd been out on Sunday night, celebratinghaving passed my theory test, came homedrunk and pressed 'buy it now'"JeepRenegade"What surprisedme most was that itwas fun to drive"FREE!ildasing buord 9" cals | Fional Finags NatK Drering | Ues Gatho Ridic | Retrell Class| Syw| '57@57d Dragsot RoNSRA HE SIDEDDOUBL TER!HUGE T POSPULLOUNOVEMBER 2014£4.20www.americancarmagazine.comGOT SOMETHING TO SAY?Send us a message on Facebook, drop us a tweet onTwitter or emaileditor@americancarmagazine.comtwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazinestartlineISSUE #135 - NOVEMBER 2014Published October 30th 2014editor’sletterBTHE CREWEDITOR IN CHIEFJulia Hopejulia@americancarmagazine.comEDITORDave Smitheditor@americancarmagazine.comSUB EDITORChris PollittDESIGN MANAGERJoe EverleyDESIGNERDon MacLachlanFREELANCE CONTRIBUTORSDarren Maybury, Sy Parrish, Andy Davis,Jenny Long, Jenny Wren, John Kennedy,Richard Smith, Kev Carrington, Charlie Lewis,Chris Smith, Lauren Parajon, Paul DoddSUBSCRIPTIONSKate Rogerssubscriptions@americancarmagazine.comADVERTISINGLyndsey Godfreylyndsey@projectviva.co.ukMAGAZINE ADMINISTRATIONJane Munrojane@americancarmagazine.comGROUP PUBLISHERMatti Rogersmatti@americancarmagazine.comDAVE SMITHEDITORPUBLISHERAmerican Car Magazine is publishedunder contract by:PROJECT VIVA LIMITEDTHE OUTLOOK6 SANSOME WALKWORCESTERWR1 1LHTel: 01905 330177DISTRIBUTIONSeymour Distribution LimitedPRINTPrint & Digital Publishing by ContractPublishing UK (CPUK) Ltd.© 2014 Project Viva LimitedISSN 2046-4580Sorry, but we can’t answer technicalqueries over the telephone.All correspondence requiring a reply mustinclude an SAE. While every effort is made incompiling American Car Magazine thepublishers cannot be held responsible for anyerrors, or any effects arising therefrom.This Dart's been builtto enjoy the drive asmuch as the event.ah, dammit, it's October.That means anotherseason all but over andnothing to look forward to butcold, damp weather, salt onthe roads and the festivejollity of Christmas. Eastersuddenly seems a very, verylong way away.But still, it seems to have beena terrifically good season. I'vesaid it in plenty of the showreports we've run over thesummer (and there are more tocome) but there seems to havebeen a long overdue upswing inenthusiasm for many ofthese events. The HotRod Drags in mid-September – seepage 53 – was acase in point.This has alwaysbeen a popularevent, and youget the impressionthat many of theevent's hardcore fanswould be there if theweather forecast suggestedthat there'd be two feet of snowand a hurricane over theweekend. And yet this year,the buzz leading up to theevent and the rave reviewsafterwards went above andbeyond just a 'good show' vibe.Long may it continue.That was just an example.Plenty of other events generatedthe same sort of excitement andenthusiasm, helped along bysocial media and some gloriousweather in early summer. It wasa real kick up the backside to“You'venow got allwinter tochuff aboutwith yourprivet”anyone who is dithering overwhether they can take the timeoff work, or whether they canjustify spending the petrolmoney, or whether they reallyshould be gallivanting off toshows or races when the hedgeis so direly in need of trimming.The answer is yes, of courseyou can, and if you can't, thenwhat the hell do you own thatcar for? Just to fill the emptyspace in your garage? You'venow got all winter to chuff aboutwith your privet.Maybe this renewedenthusiasm is a sign of theeconomic recoverywe've been waiting solong for? And not amoment too soon.Although I've alsonoticed that someevents are beingleft behind in theenthusiasm stakes,perhaps because of a'been there, done that'attitude from showgoers, orperhaps because the organisershave an 'ain't broken, so notgonna fix it' mentality. Eitherway, some events that, on paper,have all the right ingredientsseem to be suffering from adistinct lack of vitality. Why?Well, that's another item on theagenda for over winter –answers on a postcard, please.Of course, there are severalimportant winter events – theNSRA Northern Swap Meet,Whitby Kustom, the NEC ClassicMotor Show, Rhythm Riot, theRomsey Boxing Day classic carmeet, Autosport International,and Surrey Street Rodders' epicWheels Day event is back atRushmoor Arena, Good Friday,April 3rd, pre-entry only, detailsto follow ... in fact, looks likethere's not much chance ofgetting bored after all.NOW AVAILABLE DIGITALLYEVERYTHING YOU ENJOY ABOUTAMERICAN CAR MAGAZINE ONYOUR SMART PHONE OR TABLETConnect with us on Facebook & Twittertwitter.com/AmericanCarMagafacebook.com/AmericanCarMagazineCOMPETITION RULESUNLESS SPECIFICALLYSTATED OTHERWISE:For all American Car Magazinecompetitions, enter via email atcompetitions@americancarmagazine.comor send postal entries to:American Car Magazine, The Outlook,6 Sansome Walk, Worcester, WR1 1LH.One entry per person. No cash alternative.Competitions close at noon on theclosing date stated. ACM employees arenot eligible to enter.ACM3contentscontentsP20: One hundred and eighty!01REGULARS712141618193666829297114NewsOn Track NewsAuction NewsThe Big PictureCompetitionLettersSubscriptionsEvents GuideOur YanksNew ProductsGalleryFinish LineP7: A Motor Trendfavourite that's notEuropean? Surely not...03FEATURES202837LATE KICK OFFTwo things to do before you're 40HEAVY AS HELLYou can't beat a full-sizer that runs the numbersRENEGADE MASTERThe latest global offering from JeepP92: Dear Santa, I'vebeen very good, couldI please have...P28: The automotive equivalentof Whole Lotta Rosie02OTHER STUFF684REVIEWSBook 'em, DannoACM04RACING53586164facebook.com/AmericanCarMagazineTHE LAST HURRAHCould the Hot Rod Drags have been better?DOWN TO THE WIREThe National Finals was a real nailbiterAMERICAN SUPER STOCKThe deciding round for the all-American bracketOUTLAW STREETThe Outlaws head to the Mopar Euronats05TECHNICALw707476868890BLUEPRINTGMC's turbo nutter SycloneONE BREW JOBSGetting rid of ancient greaseHOW TOBuilding the casing for a tough street nine-inchJARGON BUSTERMore about LSD than Sergeant PepperTRIED'N'TESTEDMore chemical experimentsWHAT'S IN THE WORKSHOPA Pony gets a new shellP90: What, andmiss out on allthat lovelywelding?06SHOWS434750FLY DRIVEPistons and propellers at the Sywell ClassicTHE GATHERINGThe retro rumble at Shelsley Walsh'57 VARIETIESThe Tri-Chevy-palooza at Shakey
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